Saturday, July 30, 2022

Instrumental Masquerade

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges when there are no rivers. Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)


Politicians crave for your votes and they'll do almost anything to lure you into believing they are the best choice. The legislators will use influential and manipulating phrases such as election promise or campaign promise. I researched both expressions and came upon the following definition. An election promise or campaign promise is a promise or guarantee made to the public by a candidate or political party that is trying to win an election. "Nicely said" but I have to laugh and shake my head in disgust. That statement has absurd flaws. We must never forget we are dealing with politicians. In their own deceitful way they are begging and asking us PLEASE VOTE ME! PRETTY PLEASE! My interpretation is a lot more realistic. The word promise is extremely false and bogus. It should be replaced with attempt or make an effort. The word guarantee is truly and particularly imaginary. It should be exchanged with uncertain. Think about it folks. When was the last time you heard a politician guaranteeing anything for anyone?

Some consultants classify the outcome of promises as fulfilled, fulfilled in part or unfulfilled. I like the wording professional sports teams use on the status of their injured players. They will reveal their players condition as probable, questionable, doubtful or simply stated out. It's a bit more practical. For example, a politician could say, "If elected it's very doubtful our party will increase taxes." Or the self-admirer may say, "It's highly probable we will be pouring more money into our health care system." Those statements are still very hazy but we could expect the rulers to renege on their so-called "promises". However, that would be too honest and it will never be in their playbook. That "special bunch" of know-it-alls are cunning but not crazy.

What prompted me to write this rant was our provincial Premier Doug Ford who has proven to me he's just another carbon copy of other politicians. According to an article in City News on Oct. 3/21 he did succeed in much of the 60 pledges from his 2018 campaign but most of the major "promises" weren't achieved. His "promise" to fix our dilapidated health care system was completely ignored. We all know the program is in massive chaos and serious condition. It's hanging by a thread and in need of immediate repair. Meanwhile he promised $10 billion in treats and goodies for Ontarians during his 2022 campaign. Promises, promises, promises.

Speaking of inducements and bribes, the Fiberals and the N.D.P. (Nimrod Demolition Party) were certainly wheedling or betting said ass kissing the teachers. The N.D.P. "promised" to cap classroom sizes of 24 students from grades 4 to 8 and hire 20,000 teachers including education workers. The Fiberals "promised to cap classroom sizes to 20 students and hire 10,000 teachers. It's quite obvious that both parties didn't (and probably still don't) give a flying fuck about the education system. Their only concern was to manipulate teachers to support their regimes. Very shameful and disgusting.

Ontario can be extremely volatile whenever an election is emerging in the horizon. Some of the electorate is stuck between a rock and a hard place whenever it's time to vote. There are more choices for a left-wing regime than a true and genuine conservative administration. Before the final tally is official sometimes it's difficult to foresee what leadership will reign as rulers.

The 2022 Ontario Provincial Election is in the history books. The eligible voter turnout was a record low of only 43.5%. Ontario had 10.7 million registered voters but less than half cast their ballots. In my riding of Hamilton Mountain just over 40% of the 83,000 eligible voters visited the polling stations.


As usual I was thoroughly annoyed when I heard about the poor showing at the polls. However it finally occurred to me that many people couldn't care less. Do I condemn them? Not anymore. There isn't a trustworthy candidate or political party worth voting for. They all sing the same song and these inferior actors just go through the motions. Most of them are con artists. Therefore I've decided I won't be voting again. What's the purpose? It's just a waste of time.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
I'm going to take an interlude but I shall return.

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It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...