Saturday, May 28, 2022

Energized Infatuation

There may be aliens in our Milky Way Galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost certain that there is life somewhere in space. Buzz Aldrin 1930-

Most countries are classified as a state. A state is an organized (I question that) political community under one government. Each nation has four components: population, territory, government and sovereignty. According to Wikipedia the earliest state was established 5,500 years ago. Government is a fundamental factor within a state maintaining law and order. Most laws are necessary for society to function. If they were non-existent society would be dangerous and uncertain. There are three principal types of government: Democracy, Monarchy and Dictatorship. In a Dictatorship society totalitarianism and authoritarianism is a mandatory way of life for it's citizens.

The following is my opinion of some politicians. Not all but a high majority of elected officials. I've always wondered if these legislators are truly human. At times their mentality is crazy and absurd. I think we can all agree their behaviour can be very two-faced. In other words making promises one day and later on backstabbing their voters. A considerable number of bureaucrats are hypocritical, untrustworthy and deceiving. It doesn't matter what level of government they represent. It occurs at all stages, Federal, Provincial and Municipal politics. 

These "leaders" know how to "play the game". They usually look very dapper and most of them appear to be somewhat educated individuals. One of their talents is when they are asked a question their response might last three, four or five minutes. Sometimes even longer. The motormouths are either full of hot air or enjoy hearing themselves talk...probably both. Another skill (I consider absolutely marvellous) is these "upstanding" baby-kissers are never found guilty of any wrongdoings they've committed. Periodically these public officials are accused of corruption or unethical behaviour but are never convicted. Remember the 2010 Ontario gas plant scandal starring the two villains Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne. It's like these "honest souls" are bomb proof and own a powerful force-field that prevents them from ever being found guilty of any crime.

These office holders can never be trusted and a major trait they possess is dishonesty. They can be extremely cunning. These "managers" are crafty and full of surprises. Most bureaucrats are spineless varmints. A prime example is an article in the Toronto Sun on Jan. 24/22 titled, "Toronto gun violence skyrockets; no politician will say why". Very disgraceful the truth can't be told. The ship is sinking fast. Another outrageous characteristic the desk jockeys have is their love for taxes. They always deny their adoration for raising or creating new taxes but we all know it's a smokescreen...just another lie. We can't forget about their selfishness. When these money grabbers decide it's time for a raise there isn't any negotiation with other parties, no job performance appraisal or yearly salary increments. These hand shakers make up their own minds and take what they want.

However, I did some research and you'll be glad to know I discovered how male as well as female politicians are created. If individuals (in their early twenties) show any indications of greed, dishonesty or craving authority they will be selected, beamed up and prepped by the high council of an alien planet called Puppetrey. It's been happening for three centuries but more frequently in the past six decades.

The celestial body is mineral rich with many large deposits of gold, silver, nickel and copper. The planet is the size of Canada and 230 million miles from earth. The riches generate a massive desire for wealth and fortune for every visitor. It's part of the aliens mind control program. The future "leaders" adventure lasts one hour. Part of the agenda is they're subjected to a powerful mind manipulation machine called Marxy. The contraption penetrates and enhances additional deviant behaviour into their brains specifically the cerebrum because it controls thinking, planning, problem-solving, reasoning as well as judgment. 

The final session of the project is when the guests are injected with a drug called C.E.D.U.H. The compound represents corruption, evasiveness, dishonesty, unethical actions, and hypocrisy. Once again the mixture concentrates on the cerebrum. The entire experiment was invented by the alien elders many centuries ago. The executives are extremely happy with the results. The success rate is 92%. When the process is finally finished the future politicians are returned to earth and pursue a career in politics. They recall the trip but only as a bizarre and twisted dream.


Remember ladies and gentlemen, politicians see themselves as saviours, and claim they really care.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project Puritan will return with "Instrumental Masquerade"


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