Sunday, December 5, 2021

Time To Rejoice

Hello folks. Another year has scooted by and will be part of our history very soon. The past few years have been challenging and 2021 wasn't any different. The Wuhan Flu (Covid-19) is plaguing everyone and doesn't seem to disappear for good. Canadian voters sauntered to the polls and re-elected the "beloved saviour" Justin (never worked a day in his life) Trudeau as Prime Minister...prepare yourselves for more bedlam. A frequently used word in the 1970's has resurfaced. It's called inflation. Last but not least turmoil and chaos continues to distress many nations especially third world countries. Hmm, I thought the purpose of the United Nations was to eliminate all that mayhem.

Okay. Enough of depressing reality. It's suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year. So, let's try to forget all the misery plus the bullshit and develop a joyous mood. You do realize it's "tis the season". Enjoy your family, friends, and neighbours. It's time to relax, unwind and just take it easy. Eat, drink and be merry. Who cares if you add a few pounds on to your figure. Once again "tis the season". Don't let the Wu Flu put a damper on this time of year. Decorate your home inside and outside. Make you place look very Christmassy. You'll be surprised how much it will enhance your festive frame of mind. The Dollar Store has a superb selection and numerous Christmas paraphernalia at very reasonable prices.

I know our country requires considerable improvements in many categories but let's try to appreciate and be grateful for what we have. From my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and myself MERRY CHRISTMAS as well as HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Please do everyone a favour...If you get high don't drive.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2022

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