Sunday, November 21, 2021


Benjamin Whichcote (1609-1683)


Most of us live beside or across the street from neighbours. It's an unavoidable situation if you live in a residential area. Even folks living in apartment complexes have neighbours. They're not as noticeable but still present. The only way to completely avoid neighbours is to live in an isolated sector. On occasion a neighbour dispute might happen. However, most neighbours are congenial and sociable. It only takes one person to neglect the upkeep of their home and tarnishes the reputation of the rest of the neighbourhood. Letting your grass grow so high it requires a scythe to cut it or creating a junkyard could make other homeowners' property depreciate in value. Nevertheless, most people display self-respect and pride in their homes.

My E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I have lived in a middle-class neighbourhood on the central mountain of Hamilton, Ontario since 2001. Before we purchased our home both of us noticed in the real estate listing the seller mentioned wonderful neighbours. We quickly discovered the neighbours were wonderful people. Throughout the years some folks have come and gone for various reasons. In spite of that the new neighbours continue to be friendly and keep their properties looking very presentable. It seems like a natural trend.

Everyone (almost everyone) will help out each other and lend assistance when needed. We were without a car for almost three weeks and my next door neighbour was kind enough to loan her car to us whenever we needed to go out. Another neighbour repaired some copper plumbing pipe in our home. During the winter months I will remove snow from a few of my neighbours sidewalks and driveways using my snow blower. I don't ask for anything but a lot of them will show their appreciation by giving me some sort of gratuity. We know our immediate neighbours in a favourable manner. They are very nice, pleasant and helpful. Except for one.

"Buddy" is light years away from being obliging and eager to help people. I nicknamed him "Buddy" because of a sarcastic or mocking nature he displays. I know he's been called worse and I'm not the only one who knows he just doesn't fit into our neighbourhood. He seems very full of himself and it's all about, guess who? "Buddy"

My final straw with my vain neighbour happened during the spring of 2021. I was pounding the pavement in my neighbourhood collecting signatures for a petition to install speed bumps which will be a future rant. The city refers speed bumps as speed cushions. Will this political correctness bullshit ever end? Anyway, "Buddy" had previously told me he would probably support this issue. The day I asked him to sign the request he stood on his front porch and I was standing on the driveway. He walked into the house to obtain a pen and mumbled something to his wife. Suddenly he insisted in a stern voice, "We're not interested in speed bumps" and slammed the door on me. I was completely livid and outraged. My blood was boiling.

Of course I was disappointed I never received his support but what really infuriated me was his absolute rudeness and uncivil behaviour. In other words, he was a fucking asshole. I wasn't some salesperson or politician soliciting. I've known the son of a bitch for ten years. I'm his neighbour. Once again, I totally condemn him for his utter discourtesy and disrespectful behaviour. I definitely know where I "stand" with him now. Maybe we'll all be lucky and the big-headed jerk will move. We can only hope.


I consider myself a very neighbourly and friendly type of guy. I try to get along with people. If I'm capable of the task I will volunteer my services to give assistance to my neighbours. I understand some people just want to mind their own business and in essence not be bothered with anyone. That's okay. To each their own. However that's not in my recipe. I've owned four homes during my existence and can honestly say none of the immediate neighbours demonstrated an attitude like "Buddy". I know there are a lot of people like "Buddy" in our fucked-up world not just as a neighbour but also in the work place. Either way life goes on.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

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