Sunday, December 5, 2021

Time To Rejoice

Hello folks. Another year has scooted by and will be part of our history very soon. The past few years have been challenging and 2021 wasn't any different. The Wuhan Flu (Covid-19) is plaguing everyone and doesn't seem to disappear for good. Canadian voters sauntered to the polls and re-elected the "beloved saviour" Justin (never worked a day in his life) Trudeau as Prime Minister...prepare yourselves for more bedlam. A frequently used word in the 1970's has resurfaced. It's called inflation. Last but not least turmoil and chaos continues to distress many nations especially third world countries. Hmm, I thought the purpose of the United Nations was to eliminate all that mayhem.

Okay. Enough of depressing reality. It's suppose to be the most wonderful time of the year. So, let's try to forget all the misery plus the bullshit and develop a joyous mood. You do realize it's "tis the season". Enjoy your family, friends, and neighbours. It's time to relax, unwind and just take it easy. Eat, drink and be merry. Who cares if you add a few pounds on to your figure. Once again "tis the season". Don't let the Wu Flu put a damper on this time of year. Decorate your home inside and outside. Make you place look very Christmassy. You'll be surprised how much it will enhance your festive frame of mind. The Dollar Store has a superb selection and numerous Christmas paraphernalia at very reasonable prices.

I know our country requires considerable improvements in many categories but let's try to appreciate and be grateful for what we have. From my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and myself MERRY CHRISTMAS as well as HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Please do everyone a favour...If you get high don't drive.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2022

Hosted by

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Benjamin Whichcote (1609-1683)


Most of us live beside or across the street from neighbours. It's an unavoidable situation if you live in a residential area. Even folks living in apartment complexes have neighbours. They're not as noticeable but still present. The only way to completely avoid neighbours is to live in an isolated sector. On occasion a neighbour dispute might happen. However, most neighbours are congenial and sociable. It only takes one person to neglect the upkeep of their home and tarnishes the reputation of the rest of the neighbourhood. Letting your grass grow so high it requires a scythe to cut it or creating a junkyard could make other homeowners' property depreciate in value. Nevertheless, most people display self-respect and pride in their homes.

My E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I have lived in a middle-class neighbourhood on the central mountain of Hamilton, Ontario since 2001. Before we purchased our home both of us noticed in the real estate listing the seller mentioned wonderful neighbours. We quickly discovered the neighbours were wonderful people. Throughout the years some folks have come and gone for various reasons. In spite of that the new neighbours continue to be friendly and keep their properties looking very presentable. It seems like a natural trend.

Everyone (almost everyone) will help out each other and lend assistance when needed. We were without a car for almost three weeks and my next door neighbour was kind enough to loan her car to us whenever we needed to go out. Another neighbour repaired some copper plumbing pipe in our home. During the winter months I will remove snow from a few of my neighbours sidewalks and driveways using my snow blower. I don't ask for anything but a lot of them will show their appreciation by giving me some sort of gratuity. We know our immediate neighbours in a favourable manner. They are very nice, pleasant and helpful. Except for one.

"Buddy" is light years away from being obliging and eager to help people. I nicknamed him "Buddy" because of a sarcastic or mocking nature he displays. I know he's been called worse and I'm not the only one who knows he just doesn't fit into our neighbourhood. He seems very full of himself and it's all about, guess who? "Buddy"

My final straw with my vain neighbour happened during the spring of 2021. I was pounding the pavement in my neighbourhood collecting signatures for a petition to install speed bumps which will be a future rant. The city refers speed bumps as speed cushions. Will this political correctness bullshit ever end? Anyway, "Buddy" had previously told me he would probably support this issue. The day I asked him to sign the request he stood on his front porch and I was standing on the driveway. He walked into the house to obtain a pen and mumbled something to his wife. Suddenly he insisted in a stern voice, "We're not interested in speed bumps" and slammed the door on me. I was completely livid and outraged. My blood was boiling.

Of course I was disappointed I never received his support but what really infuriated me was his absolute rudeness and uncivil behaviour. In other words, he was a fucking asshole. I wasn't some salesperson or politician soliciting. I've known the son of a bitch for ten years. I'm his neighbour. Once again, I totally condemn him for his utter discourtesy and disrespectful behaviour. I definitely know where I "stand" with him now. Maybe we'll all be lucky and the big-headed jerk will move. We can only hope.


I consider myself a very neighbourly and friendly type of guy. I try to get along with people. If I'm capable of the task I will volunteer my services to give assistance to my neighbours. I understand some people just want to mind their own business and in essence not be bothered with anyone. That's okay. To each their own. However that's not in my recipe. I've owned four homes during my existence and can honestly say none of the immediate neighbours demonstrated an attitude like "Buddy". I know there are a lot of people like "Buddy" in our fucked-up world not just as a neighbour but also in the work place. Either way life goes on.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Saturday, October 30, 2021


Writer's note: "Hush Hush My Precious Taxpayer" will be written at a later date.

"No doubt about it, things have certainly changed." Dick Anderson (1946-)

Change is inevitable. Sooner or later it's sure to happen. I think my generation (I'm in my 68th year) has seen more change than other peer groups. Change can be positive and beneficial. However, on the flipside it can be useless and harmful. Sometimes we can use the word adjustment. Many businesses (big and small) "improve" or modify their goods and services. Look at food for example. Specifically chocolate bars and cookies. The quality still might be there but the quantity has without a doubt diminished. Business owners have two objectives. One is to make money. The other is wanting customers to return to their operations and purchase their items or services.

As I write this rant the Wuhan Flu is still lingering and some proprietors continue to experience adversity. I've always considered the virus serious but how serious? Anyway, our political saviors think they can fix anything. In this case with money...of course our money. Let's not forget our "Knights In Shining Armour" honestly think they can change the weather. As a long time good friend of mine mentioned a while back their next agenda will be to change gravity. It wouldn't surprise me. Sadly they come across as know-it-alls or legends in their own minds.

I realize it's difficult but let's forget about these wiseacres for a moment. You would expect during today's hardships businesses would go out of their way and cater to the consumer. In other words, provide top-notch customer service and quality products. A few weeks ago I encountered a stressful adventure.

My journey started at Walmart on Upper James Street in Hamilton, Ontario. My watch needed a battery. I can't live without a watch ticking away on my left wrist. Lately I haven't been a "big fan" of this store but I still like their prices. When I entered the big box enterprise (just out of curiosity) I decided to look at new watches, but was in total disbelief at what I saw. The once huge display section was now a measly shelf of a few watches with very little styles. I was dumbfounded. After a few minutes of disappointment I decided to buy a six dollar battery. I also chose to purchase some pens and Equate Metamucil. The multi-million dollar conglomerate was (as usual) sold out of those items. I was pissed off but the real annoyance and irritation was only about to begin.

As I approached the cash out area my anger started to escalate. Once again history was repeating itself. Only three-quarters of the checkouts were open and the aisles were five deep with patrons. I waited over fifteen minutes in line. A manager was standing at the end of my aisle observing the situation. I turned around and started to verbally display my displeasure to her including stating the store was going downhill fast. When I finished venting (it was no more than thirty seconds) the woman replied, "There's nothing I can do". When I returned home I attempted to install the battery into my watch but it was hopeless. I couldn't pop open the back of the watch and decided to visit a jewelry store.

Frustration appeared to be the word for the day. I walked into an established jewelry store located at the north end of a strip mall once called Mountain Plaza. The original mall was a terrific place to had a lot of specialty stores. However Walmart expanded and PRESTO the majority of shops vanished...only a very few survived. Anyway after waiting a couple of minutes a saleswoman approached me and asked, "Can I help you?"

I placed the battery on the glass counter and asked, "Will you install this battery into my watch?" Her reply was, "We only install our own batteries."

I was shocked and yelled, "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS COUNTRY?" In an irritated voice I asked her, "How much are your batteries?"

She answered, "Twelve dollars."

Now I was ready to go ballistic but somehow I left the store in silence but my blood pressure was in overdrive. I couldn't believe what had just happened and thinking where the fuck is the customer service.

Later on I laughed and thought the sales clerk is a very stupid, stupid woman. A complete and total idiot. She could've made some money but instead decided to be a moron. I was under the impression a lot of businesses were struggling because of the Wuhan Flu (maybe I should call it Covid-19) obviously not this joint. Either way if this alleged business does go "tits-up" all I can say is "Oh well. Serves you right."

My EA (Executive Assistant) and I bought a new washing machine. We discovered another prime example of less quality and customer service. First of all, the hot and cold water hoses cost extra...I kid you not. Secondly the complete owner's manual would be located online not in the customary booklet attached to the appliance.

One more bitch and I'll be out of your hair. I use to purchase some of my clothes at Marks Work Warehouse, specifically long and short sleeve tee-shirts. The material use to be a superior and high quality 1oo% cotton. Now the fabric is still 100% cotton but thin and cheaper. It's safe to say they joined the new infested group called, "Not give a shit about quality anymore."


Welcome to our new world where quality and various customer services are plunging downhill at an alarming rate. Merit and virtue seem to be things of the past. As the lyrics in the 1967 song, "Live For Life" sung by Jack Jones state "Yesterday's a memory (gone for good, forever) and tomorrow is a guess" are very true. As usual businesses and companies thrive on the almighty dollar. What's ahead for the consumer...tomorrow is a guess. Maybe sooner or later when individuals purchase a new home it won't have a furnace...they'll have to buy the unit separately. However it's very relieving to know not everything changes. Politicians make sure of that by always raising our taxes.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "Buddy"

Uncle Block's Flying Circus

Sunday, February 21, 2021

You Be The Judge

I'm confused. Really, really confused. Adam Gilchrist (1971-)


Life is full of uncertainty and most of the time is a very puzzling place. Of course government and media work in cahoots to amplify certain current events. A quote by Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) makes total sense of my statement. "Exaggeration of every kind is as essential to journalism as it is to dramatic art, for the object of journalism is to make events go as far as possible." That paragraph is extremely realistic. Why not "play up" the story? The populace, will, without a doubt become more fascinated and interested. It's human nature. Individuals don't want dull and boring news. They want exciting and stimulating features. If the truth has to be stretched so be it. With regard to government they possess very unique and various tactics. One of their schemes is confusion.

First of all let me say the Wuhan Flu (or as other folks call it Covid-19) is for real. There is no doubt in my mind it has invaded the world. Where it came from, well, I think all eyes look at China but we'll never know. Anyway at times how serious is this virus in Ontario. We've seen a lot of smoke and mirrors from our governments since day one of this flu. Now hold on. Before you want my head on a platter hear me out. Unquestionably it's very sad people have died from this disease. I don't wish that on anyone. Nevertheless let's take a look at a few facts.

On Jan.21/21 I travelled to Staples because I needed writing paper. They stated online they were open for in store shopping but when I attempted to enter the premises I was refused admission. The staff member told me only curbside pickup was authorized. In spite of that I watched three people walk into the premises. When I asked the employee about the three individuals he said Staples was permitting customers to drop-off shipping items for Purolator and FedEx. Meanwhile, moments before I walked into the L.C.B.O. (Liquor Control Board of Ontario) and bought a bottle of Cherry Brandy without any problems. I'm very confused.

We always hear about this new phrase called social distancing. Does anyone actually partake in keeping six feet away from each other. Certainly not in the grocery stores where I shop. All the "experts" including politicians stress that rule but very few people abide by the regulation. Since I'm on that topic, what about NHL (National Hockey League) players. When and where does social distancing play into this game. Players are packed in their respective benches next to each other. At the end of the game the winning team will congratulate their goaltender. The distance is so close they could kiss each other. I also read that teams will be allowed to dine in restaurants together as one big group. I'm very confused.

To continue my puzzlement, I read an article in Global News on Jan.28/21 that 6.3 million travellers have entered Canada and no one was ordered to be quarantined. According to the Toronto Sun some passengers have flown into Toronto from places such as India or Nigeria to visit family or pursue an education and are free as the wind with no stipulations. A lady from India was quoted, "I didn't have a test but "they" took my number." The woman's 14 day quarantine policy was on the honour system. Ontario Premier Doug Ford wanted tighter restrictions for Pearson Airport but our "beloved" Trudeau who "manages" the country ignored his request. Once again I'm very confused.

Speaking of politicians, they and some high ranking officials decided to pay no attention to the advice of their government who preached it wasn't safe to travel and stay at home. Maybe these "special" humans are immune to the virus. People like that who sit high and mighty should be showing an example but then again how serious is this problem. I'm very confused.

I've always thought Stats Canada contains some fictitious data. It's quite comical how they produce the game "Fun With Figures". That gang amazes me how they can manipulate and have us believing one plus one equals three. I wonder if the daily Covid-19 information board is similar to the way Statistics Canada conducts their totals. How do these human calculators arrive at outrageous numbers. I'm talking about the write-up in CP24 news on Nov.12/20. These people projected 3500 new Covid-19 cases by Nov.22/20 and would exceed by 6500 cases by mid December 2020 in Ontario. What evidence do they have? Do they look into a crystal ball and predict this turmoil? Or maybe they want to continue to install fear, terror and paranoia into a lot of citizens. Either way, I'm very confused.

Speaking of "Fun With Figures" a good friend of ours mentioned to my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and myself a couple of mind-blowing stories. His father was filled with the dreaded C word (yes, Cancer) and recently died. R.I.P. Now get this. The authorities officially declared his death was due to Covid-19. The second feature is just as corrupt and dishonest as the first one. He also stated a friend waited in line for a Covid-19 test. After three hours his buddy decided to leave without undergoing the test. A day or two later he received a phone call from the Health Department stating he tested positive for Covid-19. Talk about a clear-cut case of fraudulence. But once again, I'm very confused.

A good friend of mine sent me an interesting email a couple months ago. It was a graph from the Government of Canada Fluwatch. "Oddly" it showed there were only 41 actual flu cases in Canada (yes in Canada not just Ontario) from Nov.29/20 to Dec.5/20. It was a drop of 98.7% from the six year average. Would our trusting government be padding the Covid-19 numbers with our yearly flu cases to increase the quantity? Is it more Fun With Figures? Would our ethical government actually do such an underhanded thing like that? I'm very confused.

The same friend who sent me the Fluwatch graph also forwarded an article from the Summit News which was published on Nov.18/20. The write-up was titled, "Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus Is The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public." Dr. Roger Hodkinson was addressing government officials in Alberta. He stressed that the Covid-19 was utterly unfounded pubic hysteria driven by the media and politicians. He also mentioned nothing could be done to stop the spread of the virus except trying to protect older and vulnerable people. It's politics playing medicine. Dr. Hodkinson also said social distancing and masks are useless. Very interesting points he makes.

Some Medical experts are now claiming a possible third wave variant of the virus is going to join us while most of Canada is no longer under lockdown. Are the medical people completely truthful about that statement? Or are they and the media once again attempting to place more mayhem into society? If they are honest and factual why is the government starting to open up everything? Furthermore I continue to see T.V. commercials telling everyone the Covid-19 virus is deadly and everyone should stay at home until they receive the vaccine. I'm very confused.


It's been a hell of a ride with this flu and yes at times I ponder if it's been overplayed. Politics and media can be a depressing combination. I'm the first to admit the newspaper articles I've used for this rant could be exaggerated. Like the rest of us I hope this flu will disappear forever. However I'm still very confused.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "Hush, Hush My Precious Taxpayer"

Uncle Block's Scamdemic Update.


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...