Saturday, December 7, 2019

It's That Time Of Year Again

Another year has galloped into the relation to "Kramer".

I would like to thank all the folks that have read my features. It makes me feel truly happy and I thoroughly appreciate your loyalty.

We all know Christmas is at full tilt when the stores start selling their merchandise. Another indication the joyful time is rapidly advancing is when the American Thanksgiving has arrived. When that happens the countdown begins. I must also add when the Mandarin Restaurant's hot entrée is turkey and dressing the festive season has begun. I must tip my hat to that eatery because their turkey dinner is fabulous. However, I think we can all agree there's nothing like a homemade turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

I find this time of the year puts most people in the spirit of cheerfulness and delight. Sadly though, some individuals have difficulty celebrating because of tragedy that has occurred in their lives. Why fate has dealt certain humans sorrowful cards has always saddened and bewildered me.

As usual, this year never had a dull moment. For starters, more than just a few Canadians (not a huge amount but enough) re-elected Justin (pretty please take my picture) Trudeau for another term as Canada's Prime Minister. Every now and then I shake my head in disgust and ask out loud, "What do the blindsided voters see in this immature and unqualified person who has never worked a day in his life, who lives in Wonderland?" Then we have the Ontario teachers that are just never happy. I can't forget about our "beloved" Hamilton City Council because of its tradition of bungling leadership. I'm talking about the potential 5.5% increase in property taxes and their mismanagement (some things never change) of the city's wastewater. Of course, I'm referring to the leakage of TWENTY-FOUR BILLION liters of human waste that started to contaminate our environment. The rats will be happy because it will be a huge feast for them.

Anyway, it's the festive season so let's try to think about cheerful thoughts instead of dishonest and untrustworthy politicians. On a genuine happier note, I'm delighted to say two new people decided to make an entrance into the world this year. My E.A.'s (Executive Assistant) son had a baby boy and long-time good friends of mine welcomed a granddaughter (their first grandchild) to join the rest of the population. Once again, congratulations and hopefully everything is wonderful. Five will get you ten Santa Claus will be very generous to the newborns in future years.

As I have specified many times Christmas is a marvelous time for most people. It's the season to spend quality time with family and friends, exchange gifts, but more importantly, be grateful we're alive and kicking.


I hope everyone can enjoy this Yuletide experience and forget all the chaos that lingers. Eat, drink and be merry. Celebrate and have fun. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2020

On a less boyant note, your tireless editor has just finished working on, what I consider to be, my most spectacular movie production to date. With any luck, it will garner at least 25 views.

So sit back in your comfy chair and grab some popcorn.

BS Detection Services is proud to present:

Future SchLock - The Movie

They are still inviting me to sign their bogus Climate Emergency list!


UK Weather Forecasts

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