Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Joker Is Wild: Uncertain Honesty

The most terrifying words in the English language: I'm from the Government and I'm here to help. Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


I don't know how you folks feel but I always become ever so amused a few months before an election. I think it's absolute entertainment. I regard the pre-game undertakings nothing more than shenanigans. However, it's so comical to read about which "warm-hearted" politician has more to offer in his/her treat and goodie bag than their opponents. I'm also truly fascinated by how these "thoughtful and considerate" attention seekers will almost sell their souls to acquire votes. I deem it absolutely hilarious how these so-called compassionate phonies preach all their vows and pledges so everyone will rejoice. Without question, it's very witty but moreover remarkably sickening the way they try to influence the electorate with their sweet talk.

First of all, let's take a look at the N.D.P. (New Democratic Party). Once again they sing a lovely melody and continue to have a "caring" attitude towards Canadians. Traditionally their feather-brain platforms are an astronomical cost and this past pre-game show was no different. For example, $10 billion for universal pharmacare, $5 billion to "fight climate change", $17 billion for affordable housing and provide $1 billion for not-to-profit childcare. Such a generous bunch of loving and unselfish flock.

I never imagined our country would welcome yet another political party that also "seriously cares" about Canadians. The group I'm talking about call themselves the Green Party and were born in 1983. I viewed their proposals just as humorous and laughable as the N.D.P. agenda. They wanted to implement a national pharmacare program that would cost $145 billion over five years and free dental care for low-income Canadians as well as $5 billion for universal childcare. However, their priority is the environment, specifically, the alleged "man-made climate change". I must add this considerate group was suggesting free post-secondary education for everyone.

This frivolous and reckless breed stated they would increase the corporate tax rate from 15 to 21 percent if elected...a very dangerous gang. In addition, I considered their plan of lowering the voting age to sixteen years old as utterly farcical and preposterous. In other words, completely ridiculous. In spite of that, I understand their crafty scheme. Manipulate the kids in their teenage years on certain issues..."climate change" enters my mind. I can only fathom what the "system" is teaching the children in school, probably a lot of exaggeration of climate change. Anyway, by the time the youngsters are adolescents (and ready to vote at sixteen) Canada's voting map could have fifty shades of green. Personally, I perceive this as a very sickening political technique. I will always continue to say if the Green Party is ever leading the "parade" you and I might encounter the horse and buggy days. Overall the N.D.P. and Green herds climbed out of their rabbit holes and proclaimed their idea so there will be constant sunshine and gaiety for all of us. I'm extremely happy that not too many voters "bought" their kindness and generosity...yet.

I won't elaborate on the Liberals or Conservatives' objectives because by now you've probably had enough of the bullshit. However, I will say I voted for the P.P.C. (Peoples Party of Canada). It really infuriated me when I heard those boneheaded ignoramuses relate Maxime Bernier to a Nazi. If he's a Nazi then I'm a communist. I liked his mindset and found him to be extremely logical. The man wasn't trying to entice taxpayers with his goodie bag like the other "genuine" characters because as he puts it, "Canada's credit card is full". Don't you find it truly questionable he was the only candidate willing to talk about "climate change" and immigration?

So Trudeau (a.k.a. I never worked a day in my life) succeeded to sneak in to become Canada's leader once again. Voting for a political party is similar to a movie...some people enjoy the film and others dislike it. But really, TRUDEAU AGAIN! Do I have to remind all these Liberal admirers here's the guy who violated some Canadian ethics laws? What about showing sympathy and support for ex I.S.I.S. fighters returning to Canada? That is ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS AND COMPLETELY APPALLING!

Be prepared to expect more refugees entering "good old Canada". Trudeau's regime has a figure of 350,000 new faces (per year) planning to make Canada their new home. I'm not against immigration but don't these "caring Liberals" become conscious of the fact that their goal is excessive and unreasonable. Damn it, these "crusaders" couldn't handle the last group of refugees, specifically their shelter.

We can't forget how "Blackface" adores China's economic system and Fidel Castro (1926-2016). Is he (will someone pretty please take my picture) too callow and wet behind the ears to realize Castro was a ruthless dictator? Remember folks, all of us will be opening up our wallets because of his carbon tax scam. Yep, nothing more I like than financially supporting the government. This would-be kingpin was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and doesn't appear to be connected to reality. Overall my viewpoint is he's an embarrassment and disgrace to our country.


So the entertainment won't be around for another three years when we will be "blessed with" an Ontario provincial election. Don't worry though, same teams playing in the "game" as in the previous federal election with the exception of the P.P.C. I can hardly wait to see what kind of treats and goodies those "caring leaders" have to offer us. Stay tuned because it will be a laugh and a half.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "It's That Time Of Year Again"

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