Saturday, December 10, 2022

Try To Have A Merrymaking Time

Traditions touch us, they connect us and they expand us...Rita Barreto Craig (age unknown)

Hello folks. Once again that time of year has reached our lives. Unfortunately, 2022 was filled with grim and depressing events such as our health care system. In simple terms it's destroyed and beyond repair. Inflation was born again and the WuFlu (Covid-19) still lingers amongst us. Homelessness appears to be escalating. Our absurd justice system keeps becoming more senseless and illogical. Our little boy who tries so hard to be Prime Minister continues to waste our money (over $1 billion on his G-20 journey) and as usual acts like a fool.

The Nazi Christmas Bashers relentlessly try to make our Christmas traditions obsolete. Tim Allen's new Christmas movie titled "The Santa Clauses" received flak because the customary phrase Merry Christmas was mentioned instead of Happy Holidays. As far as I'm concerned, these Nazis should be placed in exile. Why can't people just sit back and enjoy the festive season rather than being assholes. Face it, that's all they are...fucking assholes.

I hope everyone can find some time and forget about the extreme mess the country and world are in. Enjoy your Yuletide decorations, enjoy the food and drink (remember please don't drink and drive). Most of all enjoy your family and friends. Celebrate the jolly time. It's time to relax, chill-out, unwind and try to appreciate what we have. We still have some things to be thankful for.

So from my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and myself have a wonderful and joyous festive season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2023

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1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you and Cassie, Mr Puritan. Don't let the grinches get you down.



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