Saturday, February 26, 2022

My Head Continues To Spin

"Life is full of circles" - Nora Roberts (1950-)


I know everyone is weary and certainly had enough of the Wu Flu or as other people refer to it as Covid-19. Wait a minute. Not everyone is sick and tired of the chaos. The pharmaceutical companies are enjoying this turmoil. I find it very strange that hardly no one calls this virus the Wuhan Flu. Is it racist to say Wuhan Flu? Either way the government and media has drilled into our heads the name Covid-19 (as well as other things) is the appropriate name. I wonder how long the high priced help of W.H.O. (World Health Organization) took to create that handle. You must remember they're part of the United Nations and we all know how ambitious, successful as well as effective the U.N. really is. Have conditions actually changed for the good in Third World countries?

You may recall I wrote a rant last year titled "You Be The Judge". Since then I'm still confused and feel uncertain about the Wu Flu. Once again, before you call me "whatever" I realize this virus is for real and sadly individuals have passed away. The Covid-19 numbers in Ontario between Dec. 25/21 to Jan. 1/22 had almost 100,000 people tested positive. We all know the Golden Years folks are more vulnerable to contact this Wu Flu than the younger generations. In fact they're more susceptible to catch any sickness.

Back in 1999 I was afflicted with the flu like I've never experienced before. I didn't eat for five days and slept (I kid you not) 22 hours a day. The only time I got up out of bed was to have a couple sips of water and a few drags off a cigarette. On occasion I would go to the washroom and my bowel movements were a black liquid. Finally I forced myself to see my doctor. He told me I was on the verge of pneumonia and threatened he would hospitalize me if I didn't start to eat immediately. To this day I still say it. If was in my eighties or nineties I would've died. But because I was 45 years old my system was able to combat the virus and I finally recovered.

Now comes my question period. Why did people test positive after they received their two shots? Why is it N.H.L. (National Hockey League) players who sit on the bench are not required to wear masks? Another example was the Scotties Curling Tournament in Thunder Bay, Ontario back on Jan. 28/22 to Feb. 6/22. The female curlers weren't wearing masks and social distancing wasn't practiced at all by the participants. However, Ontario was "in" a lockdown until Jan. 31/22.

One sporting event that had me totally befuddled was the World Cup qualifying soccer game played on Jan. 30/22 at Tim Hortons Field in Hamilton, Ontario. The province was still in a lockdown but our (buck a beer) Premier and his gang decided to let the game proceed with more stringent pandemic restrictions. Instead of full capacity (24,000) they only allowed half the amount of spectators.

As usual every morning I sit on my living room couch, drink my coffee and watch T.S.N. sports highlights from the night and/or day before. I saw the feature from that soccer match and shook my head in disbelief. The 12,000 fans were packed into the north side of the stadium like sardines. Hmm. Where was the social distancing? Plus what baffled me to a greater extent was I noticed a lot of spectators weren't wearing masks. I'm assuming the fans had to show their vaccination certificates but the fearful media had stated even people who are fully vaccinated are still testing positive with Covid-19. How does that happen?

I felt sorry for the folks who stood outside in frigid temperatures waiting to receive their Wu Flu kits. However, I shook my head in disgust when I read our "responsible" government ran out of the devices. Yep, only the fools at the House of Commons or Queens Park could pull a boner like that.

Then we have two other caring individuals who would thoroughly love to command and rule Ontario. New Democratic Party (NDP) queen Andrea Horvath and Liberal overseer Steven Del Duca. Of course they have to give their "knowledge and mastery" on the issue. These two leftists wanted all certificates to require a third dose. What's next? As usual they're trying to make themselves look like real honest to goodness thoughtful and considerate saviours.

A very good friend of mine sent me an e-mail three weeks ago that I found intriguing. The Herland Report indicated Israel had over 90% of their population vaccinated but Israeli hospitals were filled with Covid-19 patients. Figure that one out.

Media and government continued to install fear and paranoia into our minds. In fact my neighbour wore a mask when she was outside working in her garden. Now the latest I heard governments are treating the virus as history.


I'm still in a stupor about this whole non-stop misadventure. At times I wonder if it's overplayed. You do realize the government and media have mysterious powers to make people overreact as well as panic. Sometimes I speculate if this flu was "slightly" exaggerated. I recently read Omicron has two other variants, BA-2 and BA-4. Here we go again. Our "leaders" and the Fourth Estate will have another field day controlling as well as placing us in a state of fear. Let's hope it's all bogus. Time will tell.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "Shameful Failure"


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