Saturday, February 15, 2020

Young and Hapless

Young and Hapless

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it. Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945)


Many people enjoy telling stories. Then there're the individuals who like to convey the same story into a tall tale and exaggerate simple details so their version is similar to an Academy Award screenplay. Throughout my life I've personally known a few of these story tellers. To a certain degree their story might be true, but they want to mold and enhance their account so it becomes more interesting, However at the same time they may mislead people with the actual facts and truth.

There isn't a week goes by we don't hear or read about the so-called man-made Climate Change. It use to be called Global Warming but I suspect our "benevolent" politicians became bored with the term and wanted a more catchy label. The media has made this a part of the population's every day life. The education system is exploiting their pupils and students with the belief that if something isn't done soon the world will be annihilated.

I find it ever so laughable when politicians declare war on climate change but do very little or nothing about it. Maybe deep inside their minds they know it's a scam. Nevertheless an article in Hamilton News on Feb. 8/20 stated our Hamilton City Council (dazed and confused as usual) weren't going to deal with certain issues because of the 2020 budget. One of them was climate change. Meanwhile this same "competent" group proclaimed a climate emergency with a fully-fledged task force to combat the crisis according to an article in CBC News March 18/19. Isn't if funny that this alleged climate emergency is suddenly not that important anymore. Numerous times I ask myself the question, "Are the people "managing" this city for real?" We can't forget about Justin (damn it will someone please take my picture) Trudeau. He declared a climate emergency in June 2019 but it appears he's ignored the "dilemma". Sometimes people should laugh at politicians directly into their face because they're so shady and that's all they deserve.

My Executive Assistant and I watched a P.B.S. (Public Broadcast System) episode on Nova which aired on Jan. 17/20 titled, "The Planets-Jupiter". It was very educational and truly informative. Jupiter has "played" a major part with earth's history with some fascinating facts. A feature in U.S.A. Today on May 7, 2018 stated the orbits of Jupiter and Venus affect earth's climate and has been going on for 215 million years.

An article in Smithsonian Magazine May 9, 2018 reported scientists state planetary alignments do affect some things on earth causing hotter summers, colder winters and drier droughts. Venus and Jupiter's gravity can cause shifts in earth's orbit. It can also generate swings in climate every 405,000 years.

I'm not a scientist. In fact I had absolutely no interest in science during my elementary and high school education. However I do fully agree with a long time friend of mine who believes something is going on. Is it man-made or maybe, just maybe it is the cosmos.

Now let me talk about that miserable looking and angry Swedish girl. If you don't know who I'm talking about I'll enlighten you. Her name is Greta Thunberg. She's 17 years old and was born in Stockholm, Sweden. Greta is a climate change activist and undoubtedly made a name for herself. Liberals throughout the world and especially the U.N. (United Nations) adore this little tree-hugger.

According to Wikipedia, Greta first heard about climate change when she was 8 years old and couldn't understand why so little was being done about this "plight". It made her depressed and she lost 22 lbs. in two months. Finally Greta was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder and selective mutism.

She intrigues a lot of people including myself. The teenager travels the world to promote her views on climate change. She's appeared at the U.N. in New York, Montreal, Alberta and Santigo, Chile. This young liberal has won several honours and scholarships but if she receives cash she donates it to charity. Hmm, why not climate change organizations? Supposedly her parents pay for the tickets and accommodations when she's sightseeing. The tourist also claims she doesn't work for anyone and her gigs are for free. I wonder if the globe trotter has future plans to visit India or China.

The thoughtful environmentalist was named 2019 Person of the Year and made the front page of Time Magazine. Does our "trooper" realize she is included with some evil people like Adolf Hitler-1938, Joseph Stalin-1939,1942, Nikita Krushchev-1957 and Ayatollah Kmomeini-1979? I'm very curious to hear her reaction.

Whenever I watch videos of Greta I find it very entertaining. She is so serious and her script appears to be written professionally. What's even more amusing is when she said "How dare you!" We can't forget about her facial expressions. Her mean and nasty looks are hilarious but truly priceless. Maybe the annoyed little girl isn't really annoyed. Is it possible all this climate change mumbo-jumbo is a front for her becoming a future Hollywood starlet like Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Lawrence or Blake Lively. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time.


There's not a doubt in my mind N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics Space Administration) knows a lot more on what's occurring "up there" than they're willing to reveal. So come on Greta, it's not all that bad. You should be happy you're alive and healthy. Life is full of surprises so enjoy your teenage years. In spite of that, the way you're "playing" this climate change disaster the world population might see you as a top rated Hollywood actress. If someone asks you about climate change while you're sitting by the pool in your Hollywood mansion your reply would be, "What climate change? It's the solar system."

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "Incompetence: Some Things Never Change"

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