Saturday, December 5, 2020

Yuletide Greetings

Hello folks. Once again it's that time of the season to celebrate. However 2020 has been, to say the least troublesome and terrible for everyone, some people in more ways than one. Covid-19 or also known as the Wuhan Flu has been completely controlling our lives. I will write my thoughts about the virus in a rant next year.

Sadly my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I had to cancel our annual Saturday afternoon Christmas get together with friends because of the bug. The once jovial holiday period will be very different this year and all we can do is try to display a sense of humour.

As usual some dignitaries such as Queen Elizabeth, Pope Francis and our juvenile "leader" Justin (please will someone take my picture) Trudeau will customarily deliver their Christmas messages of hope and optimism as they do every's like a broken record. Hmm, I just wonder what their objective will be. But you know what? My view on their content or whatever they spew out this time never changes. It's the S.O.S. Their rhetoric never ceases to amaze me. They are always trying to verbally impress the people.

In spite of all that, it's time to rejoice even if it's only for a week or two. Enjoy your time with family and friends. Enjoy your Christmas dinner, adult beverages, baked goods and treats. Eat, drink and be merry. Try to erase the confusion and disruption that has been forced upon us. At the minimum place this chaos on the back burner and attempt to relish this time of year.

As usual from my E.A. and yours truly PLEASE have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The End
The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return in 2021

Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Age of Collapse: A Journey To Remember

Never underestimate the incompetence of government. James Cook (1728-1779)


Politicians are few and far between but unfortunately they're a part of everyday lives. Many of these power hungry rulers think they always have the correct answer for every issue. A lot of them live in some sort of fantasy world. Sometimes their decisions depend on which way the "wind is blowing." Not everyone can become a politician. It takes a certain individual to enter and succeed in the political theatre. I have no idea if these legislators inherit a magical gift or they develop the talent throughout the early years of their life. Elected officials skill can be quite amazing especially when they answer a question. Their reply may go on for two or three minutes, some times even longer. Without a doubt these hand shakers are a certain and special breed.

Back in October of this year I decided to shop at the Hamilton Farmers Market and Starpolskis Delikatacy on a Saturday morning. That meant I had to travel downtown into the heart of Hamilton. My first stop was the Market. While I travelled along York Blvd. I noticed numerous tents set up on the sidewalk of First Ontario Center. I said out loud, "These must be the tent people." I've seen pictures and news clips about these folks but never encountered this type of homelessness.

I've watched our "beloved" Mayor Fred Eisenberger on TV a few times talking about these unlucky individuals. Each and every time the L.R.T. (Light Rail Transit) conductor sings the same song. He INSISTS no one should have to live like that. Such a "caring leader." Whenever I hear him say those kind-hearted words my response never changes. If he actually and truly cared about those people this head honcho should invite a group of them to stay at his home. Now that would be a magnificent and a true Christian act of caring.

Our "sympathetic" mayor was quoted in a Global News article on July 22/20 and stated some people just won't leave. Really? I wonder why? Think about it Fred. Where the hell are they going to go! Despite that, the problem created a major public health complication specifically with unsanitary conditions.

Over the years I've seen our judicial system (more than a few times) become an ass backwards and disgusting bleeding heart liberal sideshow. On July 30/20 the court ruled they city was barred from forcing people to pack their tents. But suddenly on October 9/20 the court injunction was lifted and out of the blue the city was allowed to enforce their no camping bylaw. It amazes me how the misfortune originated.

Our "leader" also said in the article that the provincial government has to "pick up" the slack of social services. Here we go again. Politicians bellyaching and whining WE NEED MORE MONEY! My advice to our "admired" "King" is stop wasting tax payers hard earned cash on absolutely useless, foolish and crackpot projects. I've said it before and I'll say it again, EXTREMELY SHAMEFUL!

I finished my business at the Market and continued my excursion along James St. North. Just before I turned eastbound onto Barton St. I noticed two attractive young women walking southbound on James St. holding hands. I thought, have things ever changed. But then I remembered the Seinfeld episode where the popular line was "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

I was now headed to my deli. As soon as I passed Victoria Ave. I immediately observed Barton St. hadn't changed since my last "visit." Possibly more run-down. The first thing I thought of was Matthew Green. Remember him? He was a "crusader" and councillor for Ward 3 from 2014-2018. His attitude was going to inject new life into Barton Street. But like so many other "thoughtful" politicians he said a lot about nothing. Personally I think he used his short-lived municipal political career as a stepping stone to fulfill bigger and better objectives or shall I say more power, control and authority. If that was his plan it definitely worked in Green's favour. Now the "sincere" advocate has a MP (Member of Parliament) position in the same area with the N.D.P. (New Democratic Party).

Now the ward has another idealist. Her name is Nrinder Nan who was elected in 2018. As I drove along Barton St. it didn't take me long to realize she hasn't done a damn thing to enhance the gloomy and bleak district of the city. Ms. Nan might have added more planter boxes and other senseless items to annoy vehicle owners but really is it logical? What good does that do? We're talking about rejuvenating business. I do feel sorry for the few hard working store owners who try to maintain their businesses and keep them afloat. Do the councillors really care? Well, looking at Barton Street's track record over the years I don't think they give a rat's ass. The bureaucrats will say, in all honesty they're deeply concerned but you must remember one thing about politicians. On "occasion" they do lie.

It was strange not to see any hookers standing on the street corners during my short and depressing trek. Maybe the women are smart enough and have decided to focus on some other kind of employment. Speaking of smart, some of our City Hall so called brain power may say Covid-19 (or as other people refer to it as the Wuhan Flu) hasn't helped the Barton Street dilemma. If they have that belief I have two words for them, BULL SHIT! Some things don't change and the dilapidated Barton Street is one of them.


All politicians talk the talk but it's very nauseating only a few walk the walk. At one time I enjoyed and was devoted to this city. I was proud to be a Hamiltonian. However now I compare it to the 1965 Barry McGuire song "Eve of Destruction."

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with A Christmas Note

And finally, from, what should

Not be News.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Twilight Encounters

In youth we run into difficulties. In old age difficulties run into us. Beverly Sills (1929-2007)


In simple words aging is the process of becoming old. Unquestionably everyone ages the minute they are born. When we finally reach our senior citizen status it's the beginning of old age. Sure there are some favourable and helpful benefits. Retirement from the work force and receiving our government pensions are undoubtedly long-awaited blessings. But on the flip side, our health begins to decline. A lot of us start to acquire aches and pains in our once thriving bodies. The Golden Years have arrived.

So once again a new chapter in my life was launched. At 3:00 a.m. May 14/20 I woke up with intense pain in my abdomen but managed to grab forty winks here and there. Three hours later I surfaced but the discomfort was still present. I've experienced what I believe to be diverticulitis (a throbbing stomach ache) once in a blue moon but the pain would eventually disappear. I also had symptoms of nausea, no energy or appetite but managed to doze off until 11:30 a.m. When I aroused my pain hadn't gone away. I asked my E.A. (Executive Assistant) to perform a Google information search on appendicitis. Sure enough my hunch was correct and off to the hospital we go.

At the beginning of the week my E.A. and I were dealt a major inconvenience. Our mechanic told us our 2004 automobile needed too much work, in other words he said, "We need another vehicle." It's certainly comforting to have wonderful neighbours. Our next door lady friend stated we were welcome to use her car any time. It was certainly appreciated at a much needed time of urgency. She is a very caring and considerate individual and undoubtedly came through for us. Our neighbour is a saviour. Once again, thank you.

Since Juravinski Hospital was only a stone's throw away we decided to drive to their E.R. (Emergency Room). The institution was formerly called Henderson Hospital but it's name was changed in 2010 because Charles and Margaret Juravinski donated millions of dollars into the health centre.

After the Triage Nurse took my personal information and vitals I was officially admitted. The waiting game commenced. In the span of a few hours I was hooked up to an IV which included morphine, my blood work was performed, a urine sample was handed over, two doctors had visited me (one being a resident) and I had received a C.T. scan (Computed tomography scan). That machine is definitely an incredible piece of medical technology. The female radiologist told me the device cost $2.1 million and was manufactured in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by G.E. (General Electric). I thought to myself finally something that isn't made in China.

5:00 p.m.

By now I was waiting anxiously for my results. A nurse indicated the doctor wanted to reassess my condition...whatever that meant. I was tested for Covid-19 (it was mandatory for all patients) or as other folks call it, the Wuhan Flu. The examination was short but not sweet. A nurse pushed a pointed swab into my nose to the end of my right nostril. It was truly unpleasant. Finally I received the official news. Another doctor stated I had appendicitis and without question surgery was in the game plan. Right away I became very nervous. She told me there was a possibility of surgery in the next few hours but it never happened. So I ended up staying at Hotel Juravinski for the night. I sat back and thought the last time I did a sleepover at a hospital was 38 years ago.

Friday 6:00 a.m.

It goes without saying my overnight stay was restless and unsettled. Once again I watched time go by. At 1:00 p.m. my surgery was given the green light. I went under the knife at 2:00 p.m. and was recuperating in my hospital bed at 4 o'clock. The staff mentioned as long as I was feeling up to par I could discharge myself. At 7:30 p.m. and thirty-one hours later I said toodle-oo to Hotel Juravinski.


Nurses do care. I dealt with many female caregivers including radiologists, porters and housekeepers. Meeting these women once again proves my point when it comes to caring and nurturing, the female species rule. The surgical team (all female) made me feel at ease and extremely comfortable. There was a twist of diversity within that group. Two were Chinese and three were white, one of them European. I give these health care workers full marks of praise, gratitude and my utmost appreciation.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Harvenut will return with
"The Age of Collapse: A Journey to Remember"

I didn't think it would get this bad this fast.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Hi folks, Puritan here. I hope everyone is well. I've decided to take a short hiatus because I'm imagining everybody is experiencing some sort of gloom and are worried about the Coronavirus. I know my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I are very concerned and anxious about the outbreak. It's killing people, taking control of our lives and paralyzing the economy.

I watched President Trump on T.V. the other day, and he stated the F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) was working around the clock trying to develop a vaccine for this deadly disease. He constantly praised the organization and also said they are very close to finding a cure. We can only hope. With any luck some country's regime will discover a remedy for this dreadful chaos.

I wish all of you good health and please use common sense. I will return in the near future.

The End
The Harvenut Puritan Project

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Young and Hapless

Young and Hapless

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it people will eventually come to believe it. Joseph Goebbels (1897-1945)


Many people enjoy telling stories. Then there're the individuals who like to convey the same story into a tall tale and exaggerate simple details so their version is similar to an Academy Award screenplay. Throughout my life I've personally known a few of these story tellers. To a certain degree their story might be true, but they want to mold and enhance their account so it becomes more interesting, However at the same time they may mislead people with the actual facts and truth.

There isn't a week goes by we don't hear or read about the so-called man-made Climate Change. It use to be called Global Warming but I suspect our "benevolent" politicians became bored with the term and wanted a more catchy label. The media has made this a part of the population's every day life. The education system is exploiting their pupils and students with the belief that if something isn't done soon the world will be annihilated.

I find it ever so laughable when politicians declare war on climate change but do very little or nothing about it. Maybe deep inside their minds they know it's a scam. Nevertheless an article in Hamilton News on Feb. 8/20 stated our Hamilton City Council (dazed and confused as usual) weren't going to deal with certain issues because of the 2020 budget. One of them was climate change. Meanwhile this same "competent" group proclaimed a climate emergency with a fully-fledged task force to combat the crisis according to an article in CBC News March 18/19. Isn't if funny that this alleged climate emergency is suddenly not that important anymore. Numerous times I ask myself the question, "Are the people "managing" this city for real?" We can't forget about Justin (damn it will someone please take my picture) Trudeau. He declared a climate emergency in June 2019 but it appears he's ignored the "dilemma". Sometimes people should laugh at politicians directly into their face because they're so shady and that's all they deserve.

My Executive Assistant and I watched a P.B.S. (Public Broadcast System) episode on Nova which aired on Jan. 17/20 titled, "The Planets-Jupiter". It was very educational and truly informative. Jupiter has "played" a major part with earth's history with some fascinating facts. A feature in U.S.A. Today on May 7, 2018 stated the orbits of Jupiter and Venus affect earth's climate and has been going on for 215 million years.

An article in Smithsonian Magazine May 9, 2018 reported scientists state planetary alignments do affect some things on earth causing hotter summers, colder winters and drier droughts. Venus and Jupiter's gravity can cause shifts in earth's orbit. It can also generate swings in climate every 405,000 years.

I'm not a scientist. In fact I had absolutely no interest in science during my elementary and high school education. However I do fully agree with a long time friend of mine who believes something is going on. Is it man-made or maybe, just maybe it is the cosmos.

Now let me talk about that miserable looking and angry Swedish girl. If you don't know who I'm talking about I'll enlighten you. Her name is Greta Thunberg. She's 17 years old and was born in Stockholm, Sweden. Greta is a climate change activist and undoubtedly made a name for herself. Liberals throughout the world and especially the U.N. (United Nations) adore this little tree-hugger.

According to Wikipedia, Greta first heard about climate change when she was 8 years old and couldn't understand why so little was being done about this "plight". It made her depressed and she lost 22 lbs. in two months. Finally Greta was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder and selective mutism.

She intrigues a lot of people including myself. The teenager travels the world to promote her views on climate change. She's appeared at the U.N. in New York, Montreal, Alberta and Santigo, Chile. This young liberal has won several honours and scholarships but if she receives cash she donates it to charity. Hmm, why not climate change organizations? Supposedly her parents pay for the tickets and accommodations when she's sightseeing. The tourist also claims she doesn't work for anyone and her gigs are for free. I wonder if the globe trotter has future plans to visit India or China.

The thoughtful environmentalist was named 2019 Person of the Year and made the front page of Time Magazine. Does our "trooper" realize she is included with some evil people like Adolf Hitler-1938, Joseph Stalin-1939,1942, Nikita Krushchev-1957 and Ayatollah Kmomeini-1979? I'm very curious to hear her reaction.

Whenever I watch videos of Greta I find it very entertaining. She is so serious and her script appears to be written professionally. What's even more amusing is when she said "How dare you!" We can't forget about her facial expressions. Her mean and nasty looks are hilarious but truly priceless. Maybe the annoyed little girl isn't really annoyed. Is it possible all this climate change mumbo-jumbo is a front for her becoming a future Hollywood starlet like Dakota Fanning, Jennifer Lawrence or Blake Lively. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all of the time.


There's not a doubt in my mind N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics Space Administration) knows a lot more on what's occurring "up there" than they're willing to reveal. So come on Greta, it's not all that bad. You should be happy you're alive and healthy. Life is full of surprises so enjoy your teenage years. In spite of that, the way you're "playing" this climate change disaster the world population might see you as a top rated Hollywood actress. If someone asks you about climate change while you're sitting by the pool in your Hollywood mansion your reply would be, "What climate change? It's the solar system."

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "Incompetence: Some Things Never Change"

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Unexpected Pitfalls

Unexpected Pitfalls

It's beyond being bad, it's embarrassing - Barbara Turner (1936-2016)

It's a very embarrassing moment - Judy Jacobs (1957-)


Embarrassment is an uncomfortable situation that occurs in people's lives and I'm willing to bet five will get you ten they would be quite willing to avoid. There are different degrees of feeling shameful and being a fool. I think it's safe to say a high majority of people have experienced at least one humiliating incident. It can happen to old and young alike. No one is exempt.

I must admit I've had more than enough sheepish phenomenon in my life but I recall four that I would really like to forget.

October 1971
Westmount High School Football Field

It was a warm autumn afternoon and my phys. ed. class was playing flag football outside. The only difference (at that time) between the two sports was each player had to wear pieces of vinyl that measured 12 inches long and 2 inches wide that would be tucked into the person's shorts at his hips. Instead of tackling the ball carrier the defense would remove the flag and the play would be whistled dead.

The quarterback pitched the ball to me and I ran a sweep. When my opponent removed my flag my face turned beet red. The "tackler" had ripped my blue gym shorts entirely off my body. To make matters more uneasy I was standing in my white underwear directly facing six girls who were wearing their blue bloomer style gym suits. As I remember they were really decent about the whole event. As far as my phys. ed. class went, let me just say you could hear the laughter blocks away. Everyone was in stitches even my teacher.

Since I played senior high school football I asked my teacher for the keys to the change room, ran to don my football pants and quickly returned to my flag football game. It didn't take me long to think it could have been a lot worse. I might not of been wearing underwear.

May 1979
The Aquarium Restaurant

It was my first date with a young lady I had been set up with by a friend. I was truly impressed with her. She was very attractive and had a lovely personality. I always had a taste for lobster (I still do) so I decided to order the seafood delight and she had prime rib.

Both of us enjoyed our meals and got to know each other better. When the bill arrived I was in shock. The check was a lot more than I expected and I was short s substantial amount of cash. Instantly anxiety entered my body asking will I be washing dishes in the kitchen? Finally I told her my dilemma. As it turned out she had a great sense of humour and didn't think it was a big deal. The lady paid the remainder of the tab. I honestly thought when it was time to ask her out again she would say no. As it turned out we continued to see each other months after my "Night At The Aquarium."

October 1984, 7:50 p.m.
North east corner Barton Street and Strathearne

I was involved in another blind date. This time a very good friend's wife had arranged a get together with her cousin who was visiting "Steel Town" for the weekend. She was a model and lived in Toronto. The instant I laid my eyes on her they almost popped out of their sockets. She was without a doubt a model, tall and drop-dead gorgeous. Anyway, the four of us had a few drinks at a bar but decided to leave the roadhouse to pursue another watering hole. As we made our way to my friend's car I felt an urge to release my bladder and tried to repel my natural bodily function but it was absolutely impossible. Seconds later I peed my pants. It wasn't just a dribble (I could've been so lucky) but a full load. To make matters worse I was wearing blue jean pants so the stain was quite visible. I approached my buddy, told him my predicament and asked him to drive me home. My embarrassment was overwhelming.

Within an hour there was a knock at my door and the trio were standing there holding adult beverages and munchies. They assured me it was too early to call it a night. When the evening finally came to a close the model and I ended up standing on my porch talking and I eventually asker her out for a date. I was amazed, she accepted my request.

The following Friday night I drove to Toronto and we had a nice dinner at a restaurant. Suddenly I had a gut feeling my future with this stunning beauty wasn't going to germinate. After our meal I drove the bombshell home. While we stood on her porch I asked the belle out on another date but this time she said no. I kind of expected that reply. We kissed goodnight never to see each other again.

As I drove back to the once "Ambitious City" I wasn't upset or hurt. For some odd reason I felt out of her league. Don't get me wrong, she wasn't conceited or full of herself. On the contrary, this lady was truly personable and down to earth. In other words she came across as a very open and moral person. What I'm trying to say is I probably couldn't deal with her lifestyle. However I can honestly say I dated a model.

November 2019
Hill Park Recreation Center

Throughout my life one of my favourite pastimes has been swimming. I consider it relaxing, a great stress reliever and an excellent form of exercise. My activity consisted of three times a week and twenty-five minutes a day. As usual I was standing on the pool deck waiting for the Water Fit group to finish. Just as the class ended and the participants started to leave the pool my swimming trunks dropped to my ankles. Within a blink of an eye I pulled them back up. You can imagine what was going through my mind. I was worried sick someone would make a complaint and I would charged with indecent exposure. Oddly enough there wasn't any repercussions. Luck was definitely on my side that day.


Life is full of surprises. Odds are in our favour sooner or later an uncomfortable event will happen in our lives. I look at it as Murphy's Law Principle. If anything can go wrong it will.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project Puritan will return with "Young and Hapless"


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...