Saturday, January 21, 2017

The Chosen Few


On Oct. 19/15 Canada held a Federal election. Elections Canada stated more than 68% of eligible voters cast a ballot, meaning 17,546,697 Canadians voted. Justin Trudeau became Canada's Prime Minister and the Liberals obtained a majority government with 184 seats in the House of Commons.

Our teenage P.M. (Prime Minister) has certainly journeyed the seven seas since he entered office two years ago. He has also traveled a vast amount throughout the "great white north" spreading his self-styled "good word" throughout the land.

Evidently, he enjoys Gay Pride Parades, participating in spectacles in Toronto Ontario, Vancouver British Columbia, and Montreal Quebec. I think it's quite obvious the L.G.B.T.Q. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer or Questioning) community thoroughly loved his presence and in return (five will get you ten) they will be liberal supporters...almost as phony like shaking hands and kissing babies.

He also ventured to the Calgary Stampede, Vancouver City Hall, Tofino British Columbia for a vacation (maybe he was burnt out after the Pride Parade in Vancouver) and the Yukon. Just recently he had another vacation to the Bahamas. He is definitely a globe trotter on behalf of taxpayers money. He also visited a mosque and partook in a ceremony as reported by the Toronto Sun Sept. 12/16. Let's not forget, he has never met a camera he didn't like.

For a guy who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never really worked a day in his life, undoubtedly he has a passion to spend OUR MONEY especially giving it away to foreign countries.

The Libertarian reported on Nov. 28/15 in Trudeau's first month of office he "donated" OUR MONEY to various overseas countries:

(1) $2.65 billion to aid developing nations to combat climate change. My comment, I believe climate change is a fallacy and if it isn't, keep OUR MONEY for Canada. (2) $13 million to Vietnamese farmers. My comment, let that communist country look after their own people...they fought for communism, now they have it. (3) $15 million for job training in Africa. My comment, again reroute those funds for job training in Canada. (4) $14.25 million for infrastructure in Indonesia. My comment, how many times do I have to say this, retain OUR MONEY in Canada.

An article in the Toronto Sun, Nov. 18/16 stated the Trudeau regime announced it would send $25 million to the U.N.R.W.A. (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) to provide relief and social services to Palestinian people.

The article continued to say the U.N.R.W.A. has, according to various experts, been infiltrated by Hamas members and sympathizers. Hamas is an Islamist terrorist group designated by the Government of Canada. If this is true and it wouldn't surprise me if it is, it's disgraceful, scandalous, disgusting and FUCKING CRIMINAL!!

While I was writing this rant I received an e-mail from a very good friend of mine. It was an article from the National Post Nov. 14/16 titled "Mega sized Canadian delegation in Morocco for this year's United Nations climate change conference. Without a doubt an enormous number of representatives, hearty, eat, drink and be merry...what a fucking joke.

On Nov. 14/16 C.B.C. News published a story about Trudeau had selected twenty-one senators...the positions had been vacant for a long time for that exclusive boys and girls club.

The Canadian Senate was established in 1867. There are 105 members and they must retire at 75 years of age. A Senators yearly salary is $132,000 and overall the Senate costs taxpayers $106,264,100 per year. They are appointed by the Governor General of Canada on the advice from the if the Governor General is going to dispute or disagree with the P.M. selections. The Senate is also referred to as the Upper House or Upper Chamber.

Since Senators aren't elected they represent their own self-interest and party loyalties. Trudeau promised a Senate reform for a less partisan house. All the individuals he did appoint were independent Senators. Hmm...I wonder, of the twenty-one new appointees, how many are Grits?

I browsed more than a few websites and observed a Senator's job description is extremely smooth and polished and their job duties are lengthy. It's quite evident that most employees beef up and boost their job function and all probability, it means additional income.

Some of their apparent tasks are to provide Parliament with a second chance to consider bills before they are passed, representing groups often unrepresented in Parliament such as Aboriginal, visible minorities and women and offer regional representation of Senators from across the country.

"IN THEORY" any piece of government legislation must be approved by the Senate. Other words or expressions to describe the term "IN THEORY" are supposedly, hypothetically, on paper and in an ideal world. I think what they are really trying to mention, it doesn't happen too often, if at all.

I don't recall the Senate squashing too many bills, however, I did find one proposal they vetoed. An article in the Globe and Mail Sept. 10/12 stated the Senate killed an N.D.P. (New Democratic Party) climate change bill that was passed by a majority in the House of Commons. Fifteen Liberal Senators were absent...I wonder where they were? Nevertheless maybe a blessing in disguise.

I noticed a website titled JJ's Complete Guide to Canada. A columnist wrote the most common speech heard in the Senate is "Why the Senate Is So Important"...of course, everyone thinks their job is of high priority, why not Senators.

The site also stated a lot of Senate work revolves around ensuring the institution maintains a positive, and respectable image in the minds of Canadians...I think that means try to justify your job and make sure you cover your ass at all times.

Quite a few years ago I read an article in the Toronto Sun about a Canadian Senator. His picture was on the front page. He was wearing a bathing suit in front of his beachfront home...he lived in Mexico for nine months of they year...our tax money at work.

The Upper Chamber has had some dishonest and devious individuals. Mike Duffy had 31 criminal charges brought against him...I still find it mind boggling that he was acquitted of all offenses.

Patrick Brazeau was charged with assault and sexual assault and suspended from the Senate in 2013. He pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of assault and possession of cocaine...the sexual assault was dropped because the crown didn't have enough evidence. He returned to the Senate in Sept. 2016 after charges of fraud and breach of trust were withdrawn by the crown.

Pamela Wallin and Mac Harb were charged with misuse of their expenses. Harb repaid all of his $231,649.07 he claimed in living expenses in 2005 and criminal charges were withdrawn. Wallin had her charges dropped by the R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) due to the absence of evidence.

Raymond Lavigne was charged with breach of trust on improper use of taxpayers funds using cash for personal use. He served six months in prison and six months house arrest...WOW, such a harsh and bitter sentence.

Pierre Hugue Boisueno repaid funds he stated were mistakenly claimed...L.O.L., we all make that mistake. Retired Senator Terry Stratton also repaid funds for his fraudulence.

With the exception of Lavigne (he received actual jail time) the rest of these "decent" people escaped serious retribution. It certainly reminds me how bureaucrats are bomb proof such as Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne...different strokes for different folks.


The Senate members and government may justify the Upper House existence. In my opinion, it's just more bureaucracy...pointless and unneeded. A lot of their duties are duplicated into the same tasks MP's (Member of Parliament) perform. Canada should be able to govern without additional legislation. We elect our politicians to accomplish the correct decisions for the electorate...sadly, quite frequently their resolutions are illogical and absurd. Every so often we will hear gibberish about abolishing the Senate but it's nothing more than cheap gossip. Whoever the P.M. is, he or she will always recommend, then demand their favorite buddies for the Upper House.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "Continuous Failure."

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