It's About Time
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians." -- George S. Patten (1885-1945)
Just to clarify, Democrats are Liberals.
Most Liberals are extremely dangerous to humanity and communities. The great pretender Justin (please take my picture) Trudeau was at the top of his mob.
I never thought I'd see the day our embarrassing, shameful and nauseating juvenile Prime Minister would resign. I honestly thought he'd never retire because the foolish "little boy" was too self-loving and full of himself. Without a doubt he has created a state of turmoil in Canada.
Sure, he established numerous new jobs if you can call government jobs beneficial to the tax payer. Our youngster implemented Canada's Child Benefit and also reinforced Canada's National Dental Plan. That's fine and dandy, but do the Canadian people realize our country has a deficit of $62 billion and our national debt is $1.4 trillion which snowballs more than $100 million every day.
According to an article by the N.D.P. (New Democratic Party) on May 4/23 it stated our vain adolescent "leader" promised every Canadian would have a doctor in his 2015 campaign. Yeah right. Six million are still looking. Our swindler also pledged affordable housing. Meanwhile the cost of a home has doubled. The con artist also guaranteed clean drinking water. Another tall tale. Thirty-two water advisories were still in effect in twenty-eight communities when this feature was posted.
What this big-headed creature hasn't achieved is dangerous, harmful and violent to our Canadian society than ever before.
His immigration policy and how he ignored the problems at various Canada-U.S. Borders is appalling.
His disgusting disregard for criminal activity and their violent behavior is absolutely frightful. His soft (and I stress soft) on crime attitude is horrendous.
The deceiver's entire neglect on our justice system is also horrifying.
The trickster should have judges elected by the tax payers.
You should all know by now Liberals enjoy taxing people. More proof of that is the crook's Carbon and Capital Gains Tax.
The homeless and poverty situation is a total catastrophe. It's never been so devastating.
After a lot of persuasion, the scammer did increase our armed forces budget a little-bitty.
The Youth Criminal Justice Act (the old Young Offenders Act) is a fucking joke. It should be exterminated, annihilated and extinguished forever! These delinquents truly get away with murder.
Why didn't this shady character lower the costs of cell phones? According to an article on the CBC Jan. 13/23 Canadians pay the highest cell phone rates in the world. Our TV fees are undoubtedly outrageous. Bell and Shaw Direct (Rogers,) are nothing more than scammers also. Our telecommunications needs less limits and more competition to eliminate these monopolies.
I'm optimistic the G.T.A. (Greater Toronto Area) have finally sobered up as well as come to their senses and decided not to vote Liberal. However, you never know which way the wind is blowing with the Canadian electorate. One last thing I must say. When the dishonorable shyster finally leaves the Prime Minister's Office, I hope the door slams his ass!
The End
The Harvenut Puritan Project
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