Sunday, February 16, 2025


It's About Time

"Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians." -- George S. Patten (1885-1945)

Just to clarify, Democrats are Liberals.

Most Liberals are extremely dangerous to humanity and communities. The great pretender Justin (please take my picture) Trudeau was at the top of his mob.

I never thought I'd see the day our embarrassing, shameful and nauseating juvenile Prime Minister would resign. I honestly thought he'd never retire because the foolish "little boy" was too self-loving and full of himself. Without a doubt he has created a state of turmoil in Canada.

Sure, he established numerous new jobs if you can call government jobs beneficial to the tax payer. Our youngster implemented Canada's Child Benefit and also reinforced Canada's National Dental Plan. That's fine and dandy, but do the Canadian people realize our country has a deficit of $62 billion and our national debt is $1.4 trillion which snowballs more than $100 million every day.

According to an article by the N.D.P. (New Democratic Party) on May 4/23 it stated our vain adolescent "leader" promised every Canadian would have a doctor in his 2015 campaign. Yeah right. Six million are still looking. Our swindler also pledged affordable housing. Meanwhile the cost of a home has doubled. The con artist also guaranteed clean drinking water. Another tall tale. Thirty-two water advisories were still in effect in twenty-eight communities when this feature was posted.

What this big-headed creature hasn't achieved is dangerous, harmful and violent to our Canadian society than ever before.

His immigration policy and how he ignored the problems at various Canada-U.S. Borders is appalling.

His disgusting disregard for criminal activity and their violent behavior is absolutely frightful. His soft (and I stress soft) on crime attitude is horrendous.

The deceiver's entire neglect on our justice system is also horrifying.

The trickster should have judges elected by the tax payers.

You should all know by now Liberals enjoy taxing people. More proof of that is the crook's Carbon and Capital Gains Tax.

The homeless and poverty situation is a total catastrophe. It's never been so devastating.

After a lot of persuasion, the scammer did increase our armed forces budget a little-bitty.

The Youth Criminal Justice Act (the old Young Offenders Act) is a fucking joke. It should be exterminated, annihilated and extinguished forever! These delinquents truly get away with murder.

Why didn't this shady character lower the costs of cell phones? According to an article on the CBC Jan. 13/23 Canadians pay the highest cell phone rates in the world. Our TV fees are undoubtedly outrageous. Bell and Shaw Direct (Rogers,) are nothing more than scammers also. Our telecommunications needs less limits and more competition to eliminate these monopolies.


I'm optimistic the G.T.A. (Greater Toronto Area) have finally sobered up as well as come to their senses and decided not to vote Liberal. However, you never know which way the wind is blowing with the Canadian electorate. One last thing I must say. When the dishonorable shyster finally leaves the Prime Minister's Office, I hope the door slams his ass!


The End
The Harvenut Puritan Project

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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Bring On The Festivities

Hello folks. Puritan here. Hope everyone is doing well.

Once again it's the Yuletide season. I've been unproductive since my last rant back in March. A significant factor was I had right knee replacement surgery on June 8th. I'm still in recovery mode but progressing in a positive manner slowly but surely. Putting it mildly the ordeal was one hell of an adventure.

My Executive Assistant (E.A.) conducted an awesome, sensational, extraordinary and outstanding job looking after me. She was caring, sympathetic and a Florence Nightingale. A superior caregiver.

Anyway, it's very sad to say the world continues to worsen in mayhem and chaos with no cure on the horizon. When we talk about our own backyard the asinine politicians are, well let's just say, hopeless and pathetic. Hamilton as usual is totally mismanaged and crippled. Ontario is completely negligent and mutilated. Then we have Canada which is an absolute embarrassment and truly butchered. Again, there is no resolution for the illogical idiocy. All we can do is try to survive.

Let's try to forget the turmoil and misery and concentrate on this magnificent time of the year. Enjoy the celebrations such as festivals, Xmas movies and decorations. Most of all relish and adore family as well as friends. Let's not forget about the Christmas cheer and delicious food that makes this time of year so special.

So folks, from my E.A. and myself have a Wonderful Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

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Sunday, March 5, 2023

Toxic Behaviour

The old idea of putting crude sewage into water is now pretty generally discountenanced. Toronto Sanitary Inspector Robert Awde 1896


Now and again, when people talk about sewage, some folks are referring to certain politicians. Funny, they both coexist and are well-matched. However, in this rant, I'm dealing with actual sewage. I won't dwell on the waste industries pollution, instead I'll comment on the sewage municipalities discard without any thought of health and safety to the public as well as contaminating the environment. Hard to believe, isn't it? But sadly, it's the truth. Damn sickening.

According to an article in GKP.6 on Feb. 27/20 Canada has dumped 900 billion litres of raw sewage into the country's waterways since 2013. We all know raw sewage consists of harmful and extremely unhealthy bacteria such as E.coli, flesh eating disease, Hepatitis A as well as Hepatitis C. It sounds like one of Quebec's favourite pastimes is dumping raw sewage into their waterways. On Oct. 23/15 CBC News reported one hundred municipalities from La Bell Province regularly discharge their raw sewage into waterways without treatment or filtration. On Oct. 8/16 CBC News revealed Montreal was planning to dump 8 billion litres of sewage into the St. Lawrence River… I believe they accomplished their goal. The Antarctic newspaper stated on Dec. 21/22 Montreal was once again going to dump 2 billion gallons of raw sewage into it's drinking water.

Then we have Hamilton, Ontario. I've lived there for 66 years. At one time, "The Hammer" was a fairly decent place to live. But for the past twenty plus years, the city has gone down the toilet…no pun intended. Most members of City Council (past and present) have incompetence glittering off their bodies. At times they are truly unconscious ignoramuses. They attempt to manage a city, but the majority couldn't operate a laundromat. The bulk of high-priced bureaucrats who impersonate middle and senior management are also blundering airheads. As in any government regime, it leaves a lot and I mean a lot to be desired.

Some people say Hamilton is known for their waterfalls. That could be true, but lately the settlement has been notorious for many raw sewage leaks that have been discovered. Back in 2018 our "magnificent" city managers noticed raw sewage leaking into Chedoke Creek. They estimated 24 billion litres had been discharged for over four years. In October 2021 353 million litres of wastewater spilled into Hamilton Harbour. Of course our "brilliant officials" blamed the release on rain and surprising enough an equipment failure. Then we have this doozy and sickening incident. In 2023 Hamilton Water Department stated 337 million litres of wastewater discharged into Hamilton Harbour for 27 years.

Remember Sheila Copps. If you don't, it's not significant. She was a M.P. (Member of Parliament) for the Federal riding of Hamilton East from 1984-2004. In 1994 Ms. Copps decided to take a swim in Hamilton Harbour. She was equipped with a snorkel and fins. Her outfil was a heavy duty, thick rubber scuba suit. The reason for her conduct was part of a cleanup program. Sheila said she was actually swimming in shit.

On Nov. 24/20 CBC News reported a different type of discharge. Our "city brains" discovered two leaks, losing nearly one-half a million litres of drinking water a day. Staff refused to say how long (a big secret) it had been going on but "officials" described the leak as fairly substantial. No wonder our water rates constantly increase at high levels year after year. Could it be our bungling and inferior city administrators?

Throughout the years we've seen on numerous occasions Southern Ontario beaches closed due to elevated E.coli and other deadly bacteria. The Health Department claims the cause is excessive rainwater that carries pollution from storm drains to natural swimming areas. I'm inclined to agree with that statement, BUT, what happens to all the raw sewage. Does it evaporate and vanish, never to be seen again?


The politicians and health officials seem to be very carefree about this problem. In my opinion, they don't seem to give a damn. The stuffed shirts and media continue to paint a dismal and grim destiny of the effects of climate change but appear to accept this repulsive form of horrendous contamination of our ecosystem. Once again, our "leaders" thought process is upside down and ass-backwards. Extremely shameful and disgusting. I think we would all agree with George Carlin (1932-2008) when he said, "Why do they bother saying raw sewage. Do some people actually cook that stuff?"

The End

A Message from the Editor

How to Make a Youtube Video, by Hans Wienhold

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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Try To Have A Merrymaking Time

Traditions touch us, they connect us and they expand us...Rita Barreto Craig (age unknown)

Hello folks. Once again that time of year has reached our lives. Unfortunately, 2022 was filled with grim and depressing events such as our health care system. In simple terms it's destroyed and beyond repair. Inflation was born again and the WuFlu (Covid-19) still lingers amongst us. Homelessness appears to be escalating. Our absurd justice system keeps becoming more senseless and illogical. Our little boy who tries so hard to be Prime Minister continues to waste our money (over $1 billion on his G-20 journey) and as usual acts like a fool.

The Nazi Christmas Bashers relentlessly try to make our Christmas traditions obsolete. Tim Allen's new Christmas movie titled "The Santa Clauses" received flak because the customary phrase Merry Christmas was mentioned instead of Happy Holidays. As far as I'm concerned, these Nazis should be placed in exile. Why can't people just sit back and enjoy the festive season rather than being assholes. Face it, that's all they are...fucking assholes.

I hope everyone can find some time and forget about the extreme mess the country and world are in. Enjoy your Yuletide decorations, enjoy the food and drink (remember please don't drink and drive). Most of all enjoy your family and friends. Celebrate the jolly time. It's time to relax, chill-out, unwind and try to appreciate what we have. We still have some things to be thankful for.

So from my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and myself have a wonderful and joyous festive season.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2023

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Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Truth Is A Difficult Seeker

"The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government will find a way to tax them." -- Unknown


Abortion and Climate Change have been serious news topics for decades. Both subjects are never-ending. They consist of pro and con advocates. Each lobby can be very bullying and forceful. My belief on abortion is quite simple. The Libertarian Party states "keep your laws off my body", which I absolutely agree with their phrase. Anyway, let's talk about climate change or as it was once called, global warming.

The following is the United Nations (U.N.) definition of climate change. It is caused by long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns especially caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. Let me just say I have never put much faith into the U.N. I'm not a believer of climate change. I do believe "some things" are happening, but for all the wrong reasons these activists swore by.

Let me explain.

A good friend sent me an email from a Natural News article Aug. 30/19 which stated N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) admits that climate change occurs because of changes in the earth's solar orbit and NOT because of SUV's and fossil fuels. They've known for more than 60 years that changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal. The biggest factor affecting earth's climate is the sun. Proof of that is when I watched a Nova program on T.V. about the solar system and Zachary Quinto (who was the narrator) said, "The aging sun is getting hotter."

I have always maintained N.A.S.A. knows a lot more than what they're telling us. An article in Slay News on Aug. 19/02 specified 1,200 scientists and scholars declared there is no climate emergency. One lead author of the declaration, atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative "absurd." The report also stated the earth's climate has varied with cold and warm periods for as long as the planet has existed.

He also said there is no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming. The write-up also proclaimed carbon dioxide (CO2) has benefits and is not a pollutant. In fact, the report also made known CO2 is very beneficial for nature. Furthermore, there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and such like natural disasters or making them more frequent.

Last but not least, an article from Infowars on Sept. 26/22 stated a leading climate scientist William Kininmoth said CO2 has almost no effect on global temperature. He claims recent warming is probably the simple result of fluctuations in the ever-changing ocean circulation. The main driver of global temperature is the movement of energy in water, both in oceans and the atmosphere, after evaporation. Mr. Kininmoth is a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organization's Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government's National Climate Center.

I happened to come across the name Michael Shellenberger and found his story quite soothing. He is a well-known author on various issues and was a vocal environmental activist. In 2008, he won the Time Magazine Award "Hero's of the Environment." But now he admits climate change is occurring, but it's not the end of the world.

His position and writings on climate change and environmentalism have received criticism from environmental scientists and academics, who have called his articles bad science and inaccurate. Meanwhile, he has acquired praise from conservative and libertarian groups. In 2020 he published "Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All." Mr. Shellenberger stated climate change is not the essential threat that is portrayed to be in popular media and activism. It certainly sounds like he became fed-up trying to fool the public and agreeing with the extremist's invention.

The adversaries use everything to their advantage. I call it a triple threat. First of all, when certain people read particular stories of the same topic over and over, sooner or later they'll start to believe them. Secondly, let's face reality. Some folks are gullible and need something or someone to have faith in. Remember the twisted cult leaders David Koresh (Branch Davidians) and Jim Jones (People's Temple). Or what about the so-called evangelists Ernest Angley (he died at 99 years old), Benny Hinn, and Peter Popoff. Sneaky Pete sold "holy water" to the public. All five of these crooks lured and manipulated "weak" individuals. The final outcome was the swindlers had complete control of their followers. Furthermore, the media and government have complete and total control over us with their propaganda, tall tales and even lies.

Then there's people like the little Swedish crusader (not so little anymore, she's 19 years old) Greta Thunberg preaching the world is going to end very soon unless we do something about climate change very fast. Go back to bed, my agitator. You need lots of rest.

We can't forget about infamous Justin Trudeau, who is just a little boy and tries to be Prime Minister. He's so crazed and enchanted with climate change, he rammed his ridiculous carbon tax down the throats of Canadians.


My belief of the climate change phenomenon is sincere and elementary…it's nothing more than a scam. Politicians love taxes, and this is another way the dishonest shysters take money out of pockets. I'm also convinced that most of this so-called climate change is transpiring from the heavens. The greenies say the evidence is plentiful. Of course, it is if you read and watch left wing media rubbish.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return

--- Editor's Note

Some excellent resources exposing the global climate scam:

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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Instrumental Masquerade

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridges when there are no rivers. Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971)


Politicians crave for your votes and they'll do almost anything to lure you into believing they are the best choice. The legislators will use influential and manipulating phrases such as election promise or campaign promise. I researched both expressions and came upon the following definition. An election promise or campaign promise is a promise or guarantee made to the public by a candidate or political party that is trying to win an election. "Nicely said" but I have to laugh and shake my head in disgust. That statement has absurd flaws. We must never forget we are dealing with politicians. In their own deceitful way they are begging and asking us PLEASE VOTE ME! PRETTY PLEASE! My interpretation is a lot more realistic. The word promise is extremely false and bogus. It should be replaced with attempt or make an effort. The word guarantee is truly and particularly imaginary. It should be exchanged with uncertain. Think about it folks. When was the last time you heard a politician guaranteeing anything for anyone?

Some consultants classify the outcome of promises as fulfilled, fulfilled in part or unfulfilled. I like the wording professional sports teams use on the status of their injured players. They will reveal their players condition as probable, questionable, doubtful or simply stated out. It's a bit more practical. For example, a politician could say, "If elected it's very doubtful our party will increase taxes." Or the self-admirer may say, "It's highly probable we will be pouring more money into our health care system." Those statements are still very hazy but we could expect the rulers to renege on their so-called "promises". However, that would be too honest and it will never be in their playbook. That "special bunch" of know-it-alls are cunning but not crazy.

What prompted me to write this rant was our provincial Premier Doug Ford who has proven to me he's just another carbon copy of other politicians. According to an article in City News on Oct. 3/21 he did succeed in much of the 60 pledges from his 2018 campaign but most of the major "promises" weren't achieved. His "promise" to fix our dilapidated health care system was completely ignored. We all know the program is in massive chaos and serious condition. It's hanging by a thread and in need of immediate repair. Meanwhile he promised $10 billion in treats and goodies for Ontarians during his 2022 campaign. Promises, promises, promises.

Speaking of inducements and bribes, the Fiberals and the N.D.P. (Nimrod Demolition Party) were certainly wheedling or betting said ass kissing the teachers. The N.D.P. "promised" to cap classroom sizes of 24 students from grades 4 to 8 and hire 20,000 teachers including education workers. The Fiberals "promised to cap classroom sizes to 20 students and hire 10,000 teachers. It's quite obvious that both parties didn't (and probably still don't) give a flying fuck about the education system. Their only concern was to manipulate teachers to support their regimes. Very shameful and disgusting.

Ontario can be extremely volatile whenever an election is emerging in the horizon. Some of the electorate is stuck between a rock and a hard place whenever it's time to vote. There are more choices for a left-wing regime than a true and genuine conservative administration. Before the final tally is official sometimes it's difficult to foresee what leadership will reign as rulers.

The 2022 Ontario Provincial Election is in the history books. The eligible voter turnout was a record low of only 43.5%. Ontario had 10.7 million registered voters but less than half cast their ballots. In my riding of Hamilton Mountain just over 40% of the 83,000 eligible voters visited the polling stations.


As usual I was thoroughly annoyed when I heard about the poor showing at the polls. However it finally occurred to me that many people couldn't care less. Do I condemn them? Not anymore. There isn't a trustworthy candidate or political party worth voting for. They all sing the same song and these inferior actors just go through the motions. Most of them are con artists. Therefore I've decided I won't be voting again. What's the purpose? It's just a waste of time.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
I'm going to take an interlude but I shall return.

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Energized Infatuation

There may be aliens in our Milky Way Galaxy, and there are billions of other galaxies. The probability is almost certain that there is life somewhere in space. Buzz Aldrin 1930-

Most countries are classified as a state. A state is an organized (I question that) political community under one government. Each nation has four components: population, territory, government and sovereignty. According to Wikipedia the earliest state was established 5,500 years ago. Government is a fundamental factor within a state maintaining law and order. Most laws are necessary for society to function. If they were non-existent society would be dangerous and uncertain. There are three principal types of government: Democracy, Monarchy and Dictatorship. In a Dictatorship society totalitarianism and authoritarianism is a mandatory way of life for it's citizens.

The following is my opinion of some politicians. Not all but a high majority of elected officials. I've always wondered if these legislators are truly human. At times their mentality is crazy and absurd. I think we can all agree their behaviour can be very two-faced. In other words making promises one day and later on backstabbing their voters. A considerable number of bureaucrats are hypocritical, untrustworthy and deceiving. It doesn't matter what level of government they represent. It occurs at all stages, Federal, Provincial and Municipal politics. 

These "leaders" know how to "play the game". They usually look very dapper and most of them appear to be somewhat educated individuals. One of their talents is when they are asked a question their response might last three, four or five minutes. Sometimes even longer. The motormouths are either full of hot air or enjoy hearing themselves talk...probably both. Another skill (I consider absolutely marvellous) is these "upstanding" baby-kissers are never found guilty of any wrongdoings they've committed. Periodically these public officials are accused of corruption or unethical behaviour but are never convicted. Remember the 2010 Ontario gas plant scandal starring the two villains Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne. It's like these "honest souls" are bomb proof and own a powerful force-field that prevents them from ever being found guilty of any crime.

These office holders can never be trusted and a major trait they possess is dishonesty. They can be extremely cunning. These "managers" are crafty and full of surprises. Most bureaucrats are spineless varmints. A prime example is an article in the Toronto Sun on Jan. 24/22 titled, "Toronto gun violence skyrockets; no politician will say why". Very disgraceful the truth can't be told. The ship is sinking fast. Another outrageous characteristic the desk jockeys have is their love for taxes. They always deny their adoration for raising or creating new taxes but we all know it's a smokescreen...just another lie. We can't forget about their selfishness. When these money grabbers decide it's time for a raise there isn't any negotiation with other parties, no job performance appraisal or yearly salary increments. These hand shakers make up their own minds and take what they want.

However, I did some research and you'll be glad to know I discovered how male as well as female politicians are created. If individuals (in their early twenties) show any indications of greed, dishonesty or craving authority they will be selected, beamed up and prepped by the high council of an alien planet called Puppetrey. It's been happening for three centuries but more frequently in the past six decades.

The celestial body is mineral rich with many large deposits of gold, silver, nickel and copper. The planet is the size of Canada and 230 million miles from earth. The riches generate a massive desire for wealth and fortune for every visitor. It's part of the aliens mind control program. The future "leaders" adventure lasts one hour. Part of the agenda is they're subjected to a powerful mind manipulation machine called Marxy. The contraption penetrates and enhances additional deviant behaviour into their brains specifically the cerebrum because it controls thinking, planning, problem-solving, reasoning as well as judgment. 

The final session of the project is when the guests are injected with a drug called C.E.D.U.H. The compound represents corruption, evasiveness, dishonesty, unethical actions, and hypocrisy. Once again the mixture concentrates on the cerebrum. The entire experiment was invented by the alien elders many centuries ago. The executives are extremely happy with the results. The success rate is 92%. When the process is finally finished the future politicians are returned to earth and pursue a career in politics. They recall the trip but only as a bizarre and twisted dream.


Remember ladies and gentlemen, politicians see themselves as saviours, and claim they really care.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project Puritan will return with "Instrumental Masquerade"


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See more Mencken quotes here.


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...