Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Truth Is A Difficult Seeker

"The best things in life are free, but sooner or later the government will find a way to tax them." -- Unknown


Abortion and Climate Change have been serious news topics for decades. Both subjects are never-ending. They consist of pro and con advocates. Each lobby can be very bullying and forceful. My belief on abortion is quite simple. The Libertarian Party states "keep your laws off my body", which I absolutely agree with their phrase. Anyway, let's talk about climate change or as it was once called, global warming.

The following is the United Nations (U.N.) definition of climate change. It is caused by long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns especially caused by human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas. Let me just say I have never put much faith into the U.N. I'm not a believer of climate change. I do believe "some things" are happening, but for all the wrong reasons these activists swore by.

Let me explain.

A good friend sent me an email from a Natural News article Aug. 30/19 which stated N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) admits that climate change occurs because of changes in the earth's solar orbit and NOT because of SUV's and fossil fuels. They've known for more than 60 years that changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal. The biggest factor affecting earth's climate is the sun. Proof of that is when I watched a Nova program on T.V. about the solar system and Zachary Quinto (who was the narrator) said, "The aging sun is getting hotter."

I have always maintained N.A.S.A. knows a lot more than what they're telling us. An article in Slay News on Aug. 19/02 specified 1,200 scientists and scholars declared there is no climate emergency. One lead author of the declaration, atmospheric physicist Richard Lindzen, has called the current climate narrative "absurd." The report also stated the earth's climate has varied with cold and warm periods for as long as the planet has existed.

He also said there is no surprise that we are experiencing a period of warming. The write-up also proclaimed carbon dioxide (CO2) has benefits and is not a pollutant. In fact, the report also made known CO2 is very beneficial for nature. Furthermore, there is no statistical evidence that global warming is intensifying hurricanes, floods, droughts and such like natural disasters or making them more frequent.

Last but not least, an article from Infowars on Sept. 26/22 stated a leading climate scientist William Kininmoth said CO2 has almost no effect on global temperature. He claims recent warming is probably the simple result of fluctuations in the ever-changing ocean circulation. The main driver of global temperature is the movement of energy in water, both in oceans and the atmosphere, after evaporation. Mr. Kininmoth is a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organization's Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government's National Climate Center.

I happened to come across the name Michael Shellenberger and found his story quite soothing. He is a well-known author on various issues and was a vocal environmental activist. In 2008, he won the Time Magazine Award "Hero's of the Environment." But now he admits climate change is occurring, but it's not the end of the world.

His position and writings on climate change and environmentalism have received criticism from environmental scientists and academics, who have called his articles bad science and inaccurate. Meanwhile, he has acquired praise from conservative and libertarian groups. In 2020 he published "Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All." Mr. Shellenberger stated climate change is not the essential threat that is portrayed to be in popular media and activism. It certainly sounds like he became fed-up trying to fool the public and agreeing with the extremist's invention.

The adversaries use everything to their advantage. I call it a triple threat. First of all, when certain people read particular stories of the same topic over and over, sooner or later they'll start to believe them. Secondly, let's face reality. Some folks are gullible and need something or someone to have faith in. Remember the twisted cult leaders David Koresh (Branch Davidians) and Jim Jones (People's Temple). Or what about the so-called evangelists Ernest Angley (he died at 99 years old), Benny Hinn, and Peter Popoff. Sneaky Pete sold "holy water" to the public. All five of these crooks lured and manipulated "weak" individuals. The final outcome was the swindlers had complete control of their followers. Furthermore, the media and government have complete and total control over us with their propaganda, tall tales and even lies.

Then there's people like the little Swedish crusader (not so little anymore, she's 19 years old) Greta Thunberg preaching the world is going to end very soon unless we do something about climate change very fast. Go back to bed, my agitator. You need lots of rest.

We can't forget about infamous Justin Trudeau, who is just a little boy and tries to be Prime Minister. He's so crazed and enchanted with climate change, he rammed his ridiculous carbon tax down the throats of Canadians.


My belief of the climate change phenomenon is sincere and elementary…it's nothing more than a scam. Politicians love taxes, and this is another way the dishonest shysters take money out of pockets. I'm also convinced that most of this so-called climate change is transpiring from the heavens. The greenies say the evidence is plentiful. Of course, it is if you read and watch left wing media rubbish.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return

--- Editor's Note

Some excellent resources exposing the global climate scam:

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