Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Age of Collapse: A Journey To Remember

Never underestimate the incompetence of government. James Cook (1728-1779)


Politicians are few and far between but unfortunately they're a part of everyday lives. Many of these power hungry rulers think they always have the correct answer for every issue. A lot of them live in some sort of fantasy world. Sometimes their decisions depend on which way the "wind is blowing." Not everyone can become a politician. It takes a certain individual to enter and succeed in the political theatre. I have no idea if these legislators inherit a magical gift or they develop the talent throughout the early years of their life. Elected officials skill can be quite amazing especially when they answer a question. Their reply may go on for two or three minutes, some times even longer. Without a doubt these hand shakers are a certain and special breed.

Back in October of this year I decided to shop at the Hamilton Farmers Market and Starpolskis Delikatacy on a Saturday morning. That meant I had to travel downtown into the heart of Hamilton. My first stop was the Market. While I travelled along York Blvd. I noticed numerous tents set up on the sidewalk of First Ontario Center. I said out loud, "These must be the tent people." I've seen pictures and news clips about these folks but never encountered this type of homelessness.

I've watched our "beloved" Mayor Fred Eisenberger on TV a few times talking about these unlucky individuals. Each and every time the L.R.T. (Light Rail Transit) conductor sings the same song. He INSISTS no one should have to live like that. Such a "caring leader." Whenever I hear him say those kind-hearted words my response never changes. If he actually and truly cared about those people this head honcho should invite a group of them to stay at his home. Now that would be a magnificent and a true Christian act of caring.

Our "sympathetic" mayor was quoted in a Global News article on July 22/20 and stated some people just won't leave. Really? I wonder why? Think about it Fred. Where the hell are they going to go! Despite that, the problem created a major public health complication specifically with unsanitary conditions.

Over the years I've seen our judicial system (more than a few times) become an ass backwards and disgusting bleeding heart liberal sideshow. On July 30/20 the court ruled they city was barred from forcing people to pack their tents. But suddenly on October 9/20 the court injunction was lifted and out of the blue the city was allowed to enforce their no camping bylaw. It amazes me how the misfortune originated.

Our "leader" also said in the article that the provincial government has to "pick up" the slack of social services. Here we go again. Politicians bellyaching and whining WE NEED MORE MONEY! My advice to our "admired" "King" is stop wasting tax payers hard earned cash on absolutely useless, foolish and crackpot projects. I've said it before and I'll say it again, EXTREMELY SHAMEFUL!

I finished my business at the Market and continued my excursion along James St. North. Just before I turned eastbound onto Barton St. I noticed two attractive young women walking southbound on James St. holding hands. I thought, have things ever changed. But then I remembered the Seinfeld episode where the popular line was "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

I was now headed to my deli. As soon as I passed Victoria Ave. I immediately observed Barton St. hadn't changed since my last "visit." Possibly more run-down. The first thing I thought of was Matthew Green. Remember him? He was a "crusader" and councillor for Ward 3 from 2014-2018. His attitude was going to inject new life into Barton Street. But like so many other "thoughtful" politicians he said a lot about nothing. Personally I think he used his short-lived municipal political career as a stepping stone to fulfill bigger and better objectives or shall I say more power, control and authority. If that was his plan it definitely worked in Green's favour. Now the "sincere" advocate has a MP (Member of Parliament) position in the same area with the N.D.P. (New Democratic Party).

Now the ward has another idealist. Her name is Nrinder Nan who was elected in 2018. As I drove along Barton St. it didn't take me long to realize she hasn't done a damn thing to enhance the gloomy and bleak district of the city. Ms. Nan might have added more planter boxes and other senseless items to annoy vehicle owners but really is it logical? What good does that do? We're talking about rejuvenating business. I do feel sorry for the few hard working store owners who try to maintain their businesses and keep them afloat. Do the councillors really care? Well, looking at Barton Street's track record over the years I don't think they give a rat's ass. The bureaucrats will say, in all honesty they're deeply concerned but you must remember one thing about politicians. On "occasion" they do lie.

It was strange not to see any hookers standing on the street corners during my short and depressing trek. Maybe the women are smart enough and have decided to focus on some other kind of employment. Speaking of smart, some of our City Hall so called brain power may say Covid-19 (or as other people refer to it as the Wuhan Flu) hasn't helped the Barton Street dilemma. If they have that belief I have two words for them, BULL SHIT! Some things don't change and the dilapidated Barton Street is one of them.


All politicians talk the talk but it's very nauseating only a few walk the walk. At one time I enjoyed and was devoted to this city. I was proud to be a Hamiltonian. However now I compare it to the 1965 Barry McGuire song "Eve of Destruction."

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with A Christmas Note

And finally, from, what should

Not be News.


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...