Saturday, December 15, 2018

Christmas Erosion

Hello folks, Puritan here. I hope everyone is doing well. It's hard to believe another year has elapsed and again I ask myself where has 2018 vanished to. It casually glided in and felt like it zoomed out like a cat running away from a dog. Anyway, it's that time of year again for all of us to take our glasses off and let our hair hang down. Hopefully, each one of us will obtain the festive mood of Christmas to hang loose and chill out.

As usual, the year had many disturbing events from all levels of government. Our juvenile and please take my picture Prime Minister gave a handsome reward to an ex I.S.I.S. savage...only in Canada, you say? Absolutely disgraceful and totally disgusting.

Finally a lot of once brain-dead Liberal voters finally came to their senses and decided they had enough of the shameful and deceitful Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne, they ousted her. However her reign, misconduct and dishonesty, she managed to waste billions and billions of taxpayers dollars according to Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk. As far as I'm concerned Wynne is an embezzler and should serve a lengthy prison sentence...I think life without parole would be appropriate. The authorities should also incarcerate her predecessor Daulton McGuilty and serve a prolonged prison stint. Life without parole sounds good to me.

And of course, I can't forget about the circus returning to Hamilton, Ontario council chambers on Dec. 3/18. The big top "performers" didn't waste any time raising our water tax even though the tricksters had an $18 million surplus from last year's budget...routinely screwing the taxpayer again. It seems each year these jokers have a set figure tattooed into their brains of 4.5 or 4.6 percent for a water increase. Let's not forget about the L.R.T. (Light Rail Transit). If that ridiculous and foolish nonsense flies all I can say is God help us. Maybe in the future the bozo's who continuously elect these councilors will finally wake up from their comatose state and choose individuals who know what they're doing.

In the past decade, I can truly say things are becoming coo-coo. I'm not referring to politics but how moronic busy bodies thrive to attempt and change our thinking and traditions. My long-time good friend Uncle Block sent me a very annoying e-mail. It was about a Cleveland, Ohio radio station banning the 1944 Christmas song, "Baby It's Cold Outside". Supposedly some unsound people phoned the station to complain...they insisted the song resembled date rape.

Another good friend sent me an additional e-mail. A meddler by the name of Dan Joseph had students at a Virginia University sign a petition to ban the all-time classic 1942 Christmas song, "White Christmas" because it was racist. I suggest Mr. Joseph return to the institution and have his medication increased.

Then we have a twit by the name of Kyna Hamill who is a Boston University professor. In 2017 the dipstick maintained the 1850 first-rate Christmas song, "Jingle Bells" is racist.

Last, but not least, there is control freak Jennifer Sinclair, an elementary school principal in Elkhorn, Nebraska. She demanded candy canes be disallowed in her school because the shape had a look of a J for Jesus, the red is the blood for Christ and the white is a symbol of resurrection. Other objects prohibited by this autocratic lunatic were Christmas trees, a Santa, reindeer as well as green and red items. Thank goodness the school board placed this power hungry bone head on administrative leave. She's another tyrant who should be committed.

I shake my head in disgust and anger thinking what makes these pinheads' brains tick. Are they bored with their lives? Do they have too much time on their hands? What right do these morons have to have the audacity to censor and control our lives. These shitheads are like dictators...if they don't like it then no one will like it...censorship for everyone. It makes me wonder what happened to these people when they were "growing up." Did they have an uneasy childhood and this I their way of seeking attention or did they fall out of a tree and hit their head?

Of course, Christmas wouldn't be the same without hearing John Lennon's (1940-1980) tune, "So This Is Christmas" and watching the commercials related to his song. Without a doubt it is extremely sad there are all sorts of misery occurring in third world countries. Once again I become very annoyed of the U.N. (United Nations). The organization was established on Oct. 24/1945 to combat and eliminate poverty-stricken nations. The conglomerate insists countries "donate" money to fight the developing kingdom's hardships. As far as I'm concerned their track record is an utmost failure. Maybe Lennon's song should be changed to, "So This Is The U.N. and What Have You Done?"


It's very bothersome that a holiday custom is being undermined at a steady rate. So folks all I can say if you want to listen to "Baby It's Cold Outside", "Jingle Bells", and "White Christmas" as well as indulge in eating candy canes, be my guest. And for some pathetic reason if anyone wants to challenge your behaviour you know what to say...GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Have a good one.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2019

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Perpetual Illogicality


Most of us have moral standards and use common sense. A lot of us are fundamentally honest, respectable and law-abiding. We indulge in our daily activities without inconveniencing and irritating other simple words, we just do our own thing. Usually, human beings are allowed to make decisions for themselves whether it's determining what colour they should paint their kitchen or making a more serious resolution such as skydiving. But then we have a government who takes extreme pleasure in making choices for the populace, for some bizarre purpose they "think" it's their social obligation to the citizens.

The government's viewpoint on smoking has always baffled and puzzled me. They are constantly and aggressively "advising" us how harmful smoking is, not just to smokers but to the folks who breathe in second-hand smoke. However, the "leadership" still allows the populace to participate in the habit. I think we all admit smoking can be very unhealthy, but nevertheless, I believe if individuals have a desire to smoke they should have every right to do so.

Some anti-smoking activists are of the opinion if people smoke they should pay their own health care. I completely disagree. What about the inhabitants who partake in activities like skiing, snow boarding, skydiving, teen-agers who are under 16 years old riding bicycles without wearing a helmet or the fucking idiots who stunt drive...I think you know where I'm going with this. Anyway, getting back to smoking, the government knows smoking is unwholesome so why doesn't "our caring" politicians ban smoking altogether.

Let's not forget how devious and crafty the group (who state they oppose smoking) can be in true form. It's very obvious the regime has declared war on smoking. They observe it as an evil crime and a national crisis. My E.A. (Executive Assistant) is a smoker and pays $118 (as of Nov. 2018, we all know it will increase) for a carton of Matinee King size cigarettes. Doesn't it daze you how phony the government can be? They say one thing but go against their morals on the flip side.

My E.A. is an avid reader, on an average she'll read one book a week. Her choice of fiction will vary from soft romance to conspiracy thrillers. Some while ago she brought to my attention a book she had just started to read titled "Fire Brand" by Diana Palmer. At the beginning of Diana's book, there was a page titled "Dear Reader" and she was talking about smoking and how it was totally accepted in the past and now it's in the same category as cocaine. What absolutely shocked me was when she said, "these days smoking is so taboo that I'm not even allowed to have a character who smokes in my books". Can you believe this outright insanity?

Smoking affects people in many different ways. I smoked for forty-five years and thoroughly enjoyed it especially drinking a cup of coffee, guzzling beer and after a big meal. I smoked a large (25 cigarettes) pack a day. When I indulged in adult beverages I could be easily up to two packs a day. Finally, my day had arrived. Most mornings I would be coughing, hacking and some times times I thought I was going to pass was very scary. There were a couple of occurrences that motivated me to finally give up the "butts".

I saw a doctor (he was a smoker for thirty-five years) who checked my lungs and breathing and said, "You have to quit smoking. I know it's tough but you have to quit." Sometime later I had a chest x-ray. I was extremely anxious (it was many years ago for my last x-ray) about the final outcome. When I received the results I was surprised and truly relieved and happy...they were negative. That day my smoking was terminated.

My mother (R.I.P. and God rest your soul) started smoking when she was sixteen years old and smoked till the day she died...she was in her ninety-third year. I think you will agree with me when I say back in the early days of our parents and our generation numerous people smoked. It absolutely infuriates me how Hollywood has jumped on the anti-smoking crusade. With movies set in the modern day, the audience will be lucky to see one or two characters smoking. What irritates me, even more, is when I watch movies that are set in the era from 1910-1980 and only twenty-five percent of the individuals are isn't true fact or history.

For example, two movies that enter my mind are "Public Enemies", 2009 and "Lawless", 2012. Both of these films were based on true stories, circa the 1930s. In my opinion, not enough people are smoking and therefore takes away the realism from the movie. During those years numerous people was part of their everyday lifestyle. So the next time a Vietnam movie is produced maybe we won't see the cigarette packs attached to the soldiers' helmets and out of a platoon of thirty or forty GI's we'll only notice one or two grunts smoking. It's very unworthy Hollywood is attempting to camouflage and hide a part of history.

I've never been a believer in second-hand smoke. For one reason I was brought up in that environment for twenty-five years...both my parents (R.I.P. and God rest your souls) smoked. I know I wasn't the only child to breathe in second-hand smoke. An article in C.B.C. radio Jan. 20/15 titled "Michael's Essay: Exploding the myth that second-hand smoke causes cancer" helps support my view on second-hand smoke is just a tall tale.

The write-up stated on a program called, "As It Happens" an E.P.A. (Environmental Protection Agency) employee was being asked about the harm of second-hand smoke and he/she said, "sure it's crappy science but I look at the outcome - a smoke-free America". The column also mentioned why don't anti-smoking activists stick to the facts instead of alarming everyone with the assertion that passive second-hand smoke causes lung cancer when it clearly doesn't. I would like to see the true, accurate and real statistics of restaurant and bar employees who were exposed to second-hand smoke and contracted any respiratory problems.

Don't you find it hilarious but moreover spineless the government bullying and using their usual extortion techniques making people pay outrageous, ridiculous and inflated prices for tobacco at convenience stores but the Indigenous populace can manufacture and sell their cigarettes at one-sixth of the absurd government price...without a doubt truly gutless and chicken-hearted.

Unquestionably all three levels are making it more annoying and irritating for people to smoke. It's quite similar to the bike lane rubbish automobile drivers have to tolerate with every day. I live in Hamilton, Ontario and find it utterly preposterous that folks can't smoke in parks. I shake my head in disgust...outright vomit. An article in CTV News on Feb. 25/17 said Health Canada wants to ban smoking in apartments, condominiums and post-secondary school campuses and raise the legal age of buying tobacco to twenty-one years old. The government stated tobacco costs $17 billion in health care and indirect economic cost. They also said 37,000 people die annually from smoking-related illnesses. I have a solution...why doesn't the government just ban tobacco?

An article in C.B.C. news on Nov. 21/17 reported Health Canada "calls for" a big tax hike on cigarettes. As of Nov. 21/17 taxes on smokes amounted to 68% but the government said they must raise the tax to 80% to get smoking levels down by 2036. Again, why not outlaw tobacco?

Lastly, C.B.C. news wrote on Nov. 15/17 a study found the smoking of contraband cigarettes increased more in 2017 than in the last four years. L.O.L. I wonder why. I'm assuming when the article referred to contraband that also included the purchases of cigarettes on native reservations. I have another recommendation, prohibit tobacco.

The marijuana "circus" is sure to create great amounts of pandemonium...a real sideshow once it becomes legalized. Originally the government stated that pot could only be smoked inside but later changed that ruling. Our "clever" bureaucrats want to forbid cigarette smoking in apartments but allow weed to be smoked in apartments. They better get their act together.


In my opinion sooner or later individuals will only be allowed to smoke inside their own residences. Smoking in your backyard, car or on the sidewalk will be forbidden. More absurdity and another infringement of our rights. The government is so two-faced I can't help but laugh at them. They constantly sermonize to us like a boisterous evangelist in the southern U.S. preaching to his congregation about the harmful dangers smoking causes. But do they really care? Seriously ask yourself that question. When did government care about anyone except for themselves. The boys and girls in Ottawa are nothing more than unreasonable hypocrites. Politicians, agencies, organizations and advocates all proclaim that smoking tobacco is just as bad as using heroin. Funny heroin is illegal but tobacco isn't. I wonder why? Would it be the caring authority worships and adores their tax money they receive. Would government actually lower themselves to that level? I think most of us know the answer to that question.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Thank You for Smoking

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The First Kickoff


Some of you folks may be aware of my once keen and committed interest in coaching football in the past. I coached for thirty-two seasons with various teams at different levels. The age groups ranged from eleven years old to men in their late twenties and early thirties. The O.V.F.L. (Ontario Varsity Football League), N.F.C. (Northern Football Conference) and the C.J.F.L. (Canadian Junior Football League) entailed teams throughout Ontario. I also spent a good quantity of time at the high school environment and three years with H.M.F.A. (Hamilton Minor Football Association). Every league I was affiliated with was extremely competitive. However it's somewhat odd where it all began.

October 1971

By a twist of fate I happened to walk by Buchanan Park on a Saturday morning. It is a 7.8 acre sports park located at 11 Columbia Drive in Hamilton, Ontario on the west mountain. I was amazed to see an organized flag football game taking place. The more I watched the game, the further fascinated and intrigued I became...I had never witnessed this type of football before and stayed for the entirety of the game.

One of the coaches was a high school acquaintance of mine and I talked to him at the end of his game. I inquired about the league and asked him if he required an assistant coach for next year and he agreed to take me on...he would coach offence and I would instruct the was my beginning of many years on the gridiron.

The league was governed by Regina Mundi Roman Catholic Church and a chapter of the C.Y.O. (Catholic Youth Organization). There were two divisions, a junior (ages 11-13 years old) and senior (ages 14-16 years old) with four teams in each group. Most junior players represented four catholic elementary schools, (Regina Mundi, St. Vincent DePaul, St. Jeromes and St. Catherine of Sienna) and the senior squads were members from a few secondary schools. A lot of players attended Regina Mundi parish, other participants exercised their faith at alternative Roman Catholic churches.

Flag football, back in those days, was very similar to North American football. The only difference was instead of tackling the ball carrier, the play would be terminated when a defender would remove a one foot long rectangular piece of vinyl attached to a one inch cloth belt (worn around the player's waist) by means of a piece of Velcro. There were different coloured flags; red, blue, green and yellow.

The strategy of the game was identical to our traditional football...running, passing and full contact blocking on offence and different alignments, stunts and blitzes on defence.

The team names were synonymous with the C.F.L. (Canadian Football League) eastern conference teams: Alouettes, Argos, Rough Riders (now Red Blacks) and Tiger Cats. Each player was given a sweater (it was his to keep through a registration fee). The C.Y.O. crest was on the front and a number on the back. The colours would correspond with the respective C.F.L. team.

September 1972 Buchanan Park

Our team was the Alouettes (ages 11-13 years old) and we practiced at the same park we played at...150 feet away. The roster consisted of, give or take, twenty players who attended different schools. Anyone who joined automatically made the team...there were no cuts and we practiced approximately one and one half hours three nights a week. You couldn't compare our rehearsals to that of a tackle team...they weren't that intense and was church league flag football.

Since the game field had no goal posts, the kicking game with the exception of kickoffs and punts was abandoned. A team attempting a P.A.T. (Point After Touchdown) would be awarded two points from crossing the goal line from their opponents five yard line. We had a lot of talent my first year and won the championship. The flair continued in 1973 and 1974 winning back to back championships.

At the end of each season a fundraiser occurred with the help of the league executive and men's committee of Regina Mundi parish. They would organize a turkey roll on a Friday night in late November. It was fun and light-hearted incorporating gambling games like crown and anchor, over and under and poker. Tickets were sold for various prizes including many frozen turkeys. The grub was simple but good...salads, buns, cold cuts and of course adult beverages could be purchased. The profits from this "stag" would be placed into the C.Y.O. fund, specifically the flag football league. The Friday night shindig was for a good cause and everyone had a great time.

I recall one year at the fundraiser winning a forty-ouncer of rye whiskey. After the event myself and a friend (we both assisted at the function) finished up at his parents' house where he lived...needless to say both of us were "nine-tenths in the bag." We sat in the kitchen and cracked open my "forty pounder". Time ticked by and the second part of the "shindig" I remember, was standing at my parents' side door (I lived with them, R.I.P., God rest your souls) and entered their house falling down the stairs to the basement. As far as I can recollect my mother came to my rescue and put me to bed. However I did learn my lesson...I haven't drank rye whiskey since that night in 1974.

In 1975 the flag football league was going to be terminated. The president was resigning and no one volunteered for the position. I couldn't accept the league was going to fold...coaching these kids was truly rewarding and fulfilling and I looked at it as a very enjoyable extracurricular activity of mine. So I made a few phone calls and the league was back in business...yours truly was the new El Presidente. I had marvellous and spectacular support from the past president, priests and the parish men's committee...everyone was extremely co-operative and eager to help in any way that was needed.

I made a couple of changes when I took over as president. Sadly I abolished the Senior was hanging by a thread. Secondly, I thought it would be more logical if the players would play for their actual school instead of travelling a great distance to practice. For example, our team was the Alouettes and we practiced at Buchanan Park...St. Vincent DePaul school was across the street. The farthest any player would have to journey would take ten minutes, if that. Now the teams were the St. Vincent DePaul Alouettes, St. Jerome Tiger Cats, St. Catharine of Sienna Argos and Regina Mundi Rough was much more convenient and favourable for the players attending practice. I was also hoping some rivalries might be created.

One may assume I was indulging in a conflict of interest as league administrator and head coach for the St. Vincent DePaul Alouettes, however no one complained. Some of my managing duties of the league were organizing a schedule, recruiting coaches, referees and groundskeepers, applying for a lottery grant to help subsidize for belts, flags, sweaters and footballs. I recall giving a monetary donation to he St. John's Ambulance Foundation so they would be present at our games if first aid was required...they gladly accepted the money but their attendance was invisible. Everyone worked in tandem and the league was a smooth sailing ship.

I knew St. Vincent DePaul school had a great deal of talent but nevertheless so did St. Catharine of Sienna Argos who were coached by a personal friend of mine at the time. The 1975 championship consisted of my friend and I facing off...the Argos were victorious and my three year bubble had burst. I had a new coach orchestrating the offence that year but I wasn't happy with him and asked him to resign. It just wasn't because we had lost the championship...there were other issues during the regular season.

Before the 1976 season had started I was able to bring back my original coach of 1972-1974 inclusive. I was entering my fifth year of flag football and an urge and desire to advance to the H.M.F.A. (Hamilton Minor Football Association) for the next year. The 1976 season had an indication of having a lot of potential and a promising year for the Alouettes. It was also looking like a championship rematch of last year between us and the Argos. As I previously stated we (as coaches) weren't that strict or regimental with minor authority and rule among the players. I recall one player in particular who quite often attracted my attention. It wasn't so much he was a nuisance but how his behaviour would occasionally switch.

I regarded the entire scenario as exceptionally was continuous throughout the season. The player's older brother was a good high school buddy of mine and still a great friend today. Every so often he would visit our practice and observe how his little brother was "performing." Now this is where it becomes humorous.

Whenever the youngster observed his older brother approaching, the boy's demeanour would miraculously change into an extremely well behaved 13 year old was absolutely remarkable, like a halo had just popped out of nowhere and was sparkling two inches above his head...complete magic. The older brother would only stay for ten or fifteen minutes and then pulled a Hank Snow, "Moving On." Needless to say once he left the boy's halo instantly disappeared and he returned to his regular this case it was safe to say older brothers RULE.

The West Mountain Alouettes of the H.M.F.A. practiced on the east side of Buchanan Park since I had started with flag football in 1972. I was always intrigued with that league and knew it was time to move onward with something more competitive and challenging. I made the decision 1976 would be my last year with the C.Y.O. and pursue a head coach position for any pee wee (12, 13 year olds) team with the H.M.F.A.

Anyway, the 1976 season finished just the way I had predicted...running neck and neck with our rival St. Catherine of Sienna throughout the season and a repeat of last year's championship game. This year we were victorious at the grand finale. It was an exceedingly delightful triumph and very satisfying way to depart my five year stint. The league also honoured me with their recognition and presented me with a lovely plaque at the banquet.


I enjoyed my duration in flag football. The last two years were hectic but at the end it was very self rewarding and I hope numerous people had some fun. I encountered scores of really good kids and adults and it helped me learn and expand my knowledge of different football tactics and ideas...specifically on defence. My two years as President was a worthwhile experience and a positive addition to my resume. However, to this day I still wonder what Pope Paul VI (the Pope at that time) reactions and comments would be if he discovered I was Head Coach and President for a C.Y.O. football league...I'm not Roman Catholic, I'm Protestant.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "Perpetual Illogicality"

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Negligent Behaviour


The Oxford Canadian Dictionary of Current English defines the word "priority" as something that is given special attention, and prioritized to put tasks in order of importance. The Oxford Canadian Thesaurus of Current English gives the following examples of synonyms for priority: a primary issue, most important consideration and a prime concern. Most people have priorities in their lives, working, food and paying the bills enter my brain...they're essential requirements. Government also requires significant demands. Numerous times though they are upside down and sideways with plenty of twists and turns and how many times we as tax payers have said in anger, "what the fuck are they doing?"

So, here I to again for yet another rant on the "Ambitious City" aka Hamilton, Ontario, I just can't help myself. This thoughtless gang at 71 Main Street West is really something else to be desired. The lack of common sense amongst City Council continues to shock and amaze me. The latest mess our "leaders" created was their pothole dilemma.

On Feb. 14/18 CH news reported H.S.R. (Hamilton Street Railway) buses were being rerouted in Ward 1, on Main Street West, in the eastbound lanes between Leland Street and Dalewood Avenue because of a great deal of potholes. I will return to that costly bureaucratic blunder shortly. I've always said public safety and infrastructure should always be number one and two on every municipalities hit parade.

So City Council OK'd a $75 tax hike for the average household in "The Hammer." However, each ward's rate will vary. On March 3/18 the Hamilton Spectator stated the 1.9% property tax increase included emergency road repairs and the hiring of ten paramedics and purchasing one ambulance. Tax payers might think City Hall is starting to spend our money sensibly and finally transforming into responsible people. In spite of that, don't become too thrilled by any ingenious endeavours by the City Hall crowd.

A price tag of $19.4 million was included for emergency road repairs to fix potholes. The problem is these illogical "people" leave things to the last minute until there isn't any other choice than to perform repairs. The recruitment of ten more paramedics is kind of a smoke and mirror thing. Since the paramedics work a two platoon, four squad system there will only be an additional two and "one-half" life savers working at any given time. Acquiring another ambulance will be added to the city's original fleet.

Nine police officers were also commissioned but because the police department works the same system as the paramedics, we will only see two more officers working at any given time. The article never mentioned if the new hires for both services was to replace retirements.

It doesn't take me much to become infuriated (that's one of the reasons I write these bitches, to blow off steam,) but a write-up in the Hamilton Spectator on March 2/18 titled, "Would you pay more for a pothole paving blitz?" The article went on to say City Council will debate on adding an extra seven dollars to tax bills in 2018 to help pay for a $20 million pothole paving blitz. This is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING and all these councilors should hang their heads in utmost disgrace.

I don't care it it's seven or one hundred and seventy dollars. This is where our tax money should be going in the first place, not fucking bike lanes, pedestrian crossovers and two-way conversions as well as money towards all the artsy-fartsy groups. This irresponsible and wasteful city hall contingent is so out of touch with reality sometimes I want to puke. They just can't comprehend that potholes can have extremely serious consequences and are a section of infrastructure. Oh, by the way, new toboggan hills were also on our tax hike agenda...just what we fucking need.

A story in C.B.C. news on March 1/18 stated city hall received a record number of complaints because of the amount of potholes throughout the city damaging vehicles...they expect five hundred by the end of the season. Now, wouldn't you think the city hall gang would be more proactive? Sorry, silly question, why would they be? If they require money just raise taxes.

If you or I owned a business and we were constantly forking out money on a problem we knew could be fixed immediately, obviously and logically we would take appropriate action. But for some strange and warped reason the "rulers" continue to procrastinate and of course waste our money. The bureaucrats blame it on the weather...fair enough, but I've seen potholes that have existed for days, weeks and even months.

We must not forget these "scholars" came up with the "brilliant" idea to erect a fence around Albion Falls located on the east mountain. It's sole purpose was to deter people from climbing into the gorge. When I first heard of that proposal, I thought to myself, sounds like a good idea. But as usual the fence was erected and the so called logical idea once again developed into another laughable and ludicrous city hall project...the fence was six feet high. Maybe the "intellects" thought the process was to discourage most senior citizens from becoming too energetic.

Councilors also want more pedestrian crossovers, according to the Mountain News on Feb. 1/18. There is a list of ninety requests and crossovers are "estimated" to cost between $25,000 and $70,000 each. You dam well know all of them will be installed (without any debate) but our "leadership" have to discuss and then increase our taxes for road repairs. Once again their irrational thinking makes me want to heave.

Getting back to the Main Street West pothole crisis, on Feb. 15/18 the Hamilton Spectator reported that public works manager Dan McKinnon stated, "all hands on deck" to repair potholes throughout the entire city but isn't it funny? I saw many potholes weeks later...I wonder where all the hands were.

On March 5/18 C.B.C. news stated the city hired a contractor to perform a shave and pave on Main Street West but a week earlier our "top bananas" tried to figure out how to pay for the work.

Once again I have to laugh out loud on the downright foolishness and mismanagement of these people. In this case some tax payers just didn't pay out of their pockets but also with mental anguish...their thirty minute commute turned into a two hour drive of frustration and anger. Let's give another big cheer for city hall, as usual irritating and annoying vehicle owners. Some people may ask what was council suppose to do? The work had to be done. My take on that is the road should never have become that bad in the first place.

Then we are "blessed" with Ward 1 Councilor Aidan Johnson, the Main Street West pothole problem was located in his ward. On March 2/18 the Hamilton Spectator said "Councilor Aidan Johnson spends zero on roads." Each Hamilton councilor receives money for the's called participatory budgeting. Instead of spending on necessary things such as infrastructure, he paid out cash on street plans, bike lanes (of course), a water bottle refilling station, renovations to Westdale Theatre and hired a consultant to help figure out the best way to execute his participatory budgeting...Johnson, you really didn't do that did you? That is one of your job duties as a councilor...I'm fucking speechless. Johnson still had $800,000 in his fund. That kind of cash can fax a hell of a lot of potholes.

Like Johnston, his greenie predecessor, Brian McHattie, also thoroughly enjoyed putting money away for his "personal rainy days." It must be said both of these irresponsible individuals are crusaders against the automobile. Johnson is a perfect example of a politician who doesn't understand serious and crucial needs, specifically public safety and infrastructure...HE JUST DOESN'T CARE! It was reported he did spend some money on sidewalk repairs.

This careless and thoughtless "ward leader" (like McHattie) is more interested in bike lanes and creating chaos for vehicle owners. This guy also stated his Main Street West pothole problem was "ravages of climate change." OK, wait a minute, time out, enough of this rubbish. For starters I don't believe in man-made climate change, read my rant (if you haven't already) on April 29/17 titled "The Green Bubble Will Never Burst." Secondly, if there is such a monster (I think the monster is most of the bureaucrats) why did the creature only "attack" Johnson's ward. Maybe, just maybe, maintaining the road has been neglected in the past.


So the councilors added $19.4 million to this year's (2018) budget trying to keep up with the pothole problem. If this gang would manage our money wisely and with common sense, they would always have money for potholes but I guess that's too much to ask these money wasters. And as days turn into nights we can't forget our water rates, oh, I mean water tax. Once again they increased it by 4.5%. Politicians know as long as they have unlimited cash flow from tax payers, they will always misuse our money on needless and pointless things. The entire city hall administration once again fail to realize that public safety and infrastructure are an essential importance. Maybe I'm just a whiner and I just don't get it.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "The First Kick Off."

Notice from Uncle Block

Are you disgusted and ashamed, like Hamilton's councilors are, with the province's move to cancel the Basic Income pilot project?

Well, have no fear, Uncle Block is here. I have a solution to the problem that could cost you less than the price of ONE SMALL TIM HORTON COFFEE per month.

Click here for details.

Sunday, July 22, 2018



As the world rotates and society wanders into irresponsible and neglectful deterioration we haven't any idea what the future will ensue. Personally, I think we will continue to experience additional doom and gloom. We've all heard the saying everyone has a star in the sky that looks after them and at times I think it's true. A lot of us probably know at least one person who has "fallen in a deep well of shit" but somehow miraculously returns, "smelling like a freshly picked bunch of roses." For some peculiar and suspicious reason (no matter what type of trouble they have gotten themselves into) the little tweety bird will always be chirping on their shoulder and the sunshine will always shine in their world.

Throughout time individuals have dodged the bullet and avoided penalties for their inappropriate commitments...they always seem to be prepared for the worst. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth while others have that exceptional talent known as the gift of gab. Numerous politicians fall into those categories. They are "special" human beings with some trickery and hidden skill. It's amazing how they will conduct their behaviour with the populace. One day they are kissing babies and shaking hands with the electorate and the next day they are dishonest and shameful. It illustrates an excellent example of the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde disorder. It constantly mesmerizes me to the limit how these legislators can look at themselves in the mirror and encounter no guilt or disgrace.

I wasn't surprised or startled when David Livingston was sentenced to four months in jail. You may ask who is David Livingston? Well, he was Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty's chief of staff from 2012-2013. He was also the bureaucrat and "naughty boy" who supposedly deleted the gas plant e-mails. Remember those infamous gas plants that were cancelled in 2011 by our "trustworthy, responsible and honest" provincial Liberal government?

The "righteous and upstanding" liberal gang said it would cost (tax payers' money of course) $230 million but some how their calculation was "slightly" sinfully incorrect. The true cost was $1.1 billion. Sounds like just a simple arithmetic error. Their "fun with numbers" was certainly untruthful, but this is what politicians bring about, dishonesty, deceitfulness and untrustworthiness. Five will get you ten if these fiberals owned their own private business they wouldn't make a blunder like that. Why you ask? They'd be using their own cash and not tax payers' money.

Besides four months in jail, Livingston received twelve months probation and is required to perform one hundred hours of community service. Hmm, rather a stiff penalty given to an individual who I believe was the fall guy in the gas plant scandal. Obviously we all know politicians never take responsibility for their mistakes. Wait a minute, politicians don't make mistakes.

McGuinty and his successor "Mommy Wynne" (remember she cares about everyone) were completely blameless and totally innocent of their wrongdoings. Of course they are, politicians never fuck up because they care too much about the public. Meanwhile I recall "Mommy Wynne" saying in a defensive voice, "it was a political decision, it was a political decision" when she was challenged by the opposition about the gas plants in a segment at Queens Park.

I find it extremely odd and moreover quite baffling that McGuinty resigned on Feb.10/13 after three consecutive terms as Premier of was a very surprising and sudden move for him to vacate his position. Nevertheless his reason was the Ontario Liberal Party needed a renewal. Really, a renewal? Sounds to me the Fiberals didn't need a revival, instead McGuinty decided to "jump ship" because he was receiving too much "heat" from the gas plant fiasco. In fact, he was so determined to depart from politics he didn't "run" in the next provincial election in his own riding of Ottawa South. Two years after he quit he took a part-time job with a business consulting firm, Price Waterhouse Coopers Canada.

Some analyst gave different reasons for McGuinty's departure such as labour relations with the spoiled babies we refer to as teachers, continuing his political career at the federal level, spending more time with his family and other controversies like the mismanagement of Ornge Ambulance. Although I find those intentions quite logical, I'm still strongly convinced the gas plant farce was the icing on the cake for McGuinty.

I always wondered why Livingston would destroy any confidential information especially e-mails from the gas plants on his own free will without McGuinty's authorization and knowledge. Livingston's deputy, Laura Miller, was also charged but later on was found not guilty. Getting back to Livingston, for him to make that decision and carry out the offence I find truly confusing and unbelievable...why would he jeopardize himself? However, five will get you ten that question and many other queries were asked at his trial.

I believe Livingston knew all the particularities of the gas plant crime, he was McGuinty's number one guy. The court obviously thought he was guilty but I still believe he took the blame and punishment for a situation he was only aware of. On the flip side, if he actually did what "they" said he did he might have been forced to "play" that game or else the consequences would've been more severe.

When an individual accepts a high caliber position, namely the Premier's Chief of Staff, they will familiarize themselves with numerous things they may or may not want to have the knowledge of. Welcome to the political theater, full of gimmicks, schemes, fun and games, fun for the whole family.


Politicians are like actors...they can portray and imitate many emotions. They also know how to cover their ass and pass the buck. It wouldn't surprise me at all if required they would sell out their own mothers. This incident enhances my belief politicians can get away with anything...even murder. I wonder if this gas plant mess would be a good Hollywood movie. With a good cast, director and screenplay it possibly could be a successful film, if nothing, more educational to tax payers. And now we all know as Livingston realizes what happens when people play and hang around with politicians, especially Fiberals.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with Negligent Behaviour

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Truth vs Fiction


The Canadian Oxford Dictionary of Current English defines the word promise as an assurance, especially regarding future actions and also specifies the sign of future achievements. In our lifetime we have made more than a handful of promises, one specific commitment is the vow we absorbed on our wedding day. People make promises to other persons. sometimes they're honored and from time to time they don't materialize. Promises in the workplace can also be unpredictable and changing as the title song in the 1968 Broadway musical, "Promises, Promises" expresses.

Besides being the last day of school before their summer vacation, I think it's safe to say children (both past and present) have two other favorite times in their lives, Christmas morning and Halloween night because of many presents, treats, and goodies. Every three or four years prior to election adults also receive a "gift bag." These gift-givers are "caring" and "responsible" politicians who will do just about anything to solidify your vote, hell, they may even help you paint your house. Their treat and goodie bag is concentrated towards grown-ups, promising the taxpayer many benefits. This year's players, especially Horwath and Wynne, are busting at the seams with their pledges. Well, boys and girls let's take a look at what type of treats and goodies our three "crusaders" are enticing or shall I say smooth talking us with their campaign objectives.

Doug (I'm the new kid on the block) Ford, (guy on the right) Progressive Conservative Party:

Doug Ford right

- opposes the carbon tax

- wants to freeze minimum wage to $14 an hour

- cut corporate tax rates to 10.5%

- pledges 20% tax cut for middle class

- reduce gas prices by 10 cents a litre by cutting cap-and-trade, fuel tax

- decrease hydro charges by 22%

- hopes to reduce hospital wait times and provide health care with a fresh look

- wants an outside audit performed on Wynne's spending

- no provincial income tax for minimum wage earners

- claims minors should receive permission from their parents before an abortion is executed

- maintains Hamilton, Ontario can use the province's "handout" of $1 billion for other ventures and won't be limited to the L.R.T. (Light Transit Rail)

- will fire the C.A.O. (Chief Administrative Officer) of Hydro One

- reduce size and cost of government with no layoffs

I do tip my hat to him since he "appears" to be focused on the average taxpayer. However, on the flip side with all of his cuts, I do have some concern where he is going to make up the lost revenue. I also wonder if publicly announcing he will freeze the minimum wage at $14 an hour was a harmful will probably cost him a lot of votes.

Andrea (make the rich pay) Horwath, N.D.P. (New Democratic Party)"

- free childcare for families earning under $40,000 a year

- $12 a day child care for most other families

- increase hospital funding by 5%

- smaller school class sizes by hiring more teachers and E.A.'s (Educational Assistants)

- increase taxes by 1% on people earning more than $220,000 a year and 2% on folks earning $300,000 a year

- cut hydro rates by 30%

- create Hydro One as public ownership

- 15,000 more long-term beds

- new 3% tax on vehicles that cost over $90,000

- spend billions in Ontario Works a.k.a. welfare and Ontario disability payments

- cut auto insurance rates by 15%

- increase the corporate tax rate from 11.5% to 13%

- give everyone full dental coverage

- give everyone free prescriptions

- transform student loans to grants

In summary, it never ceases to amaze me that the N.D.P. truly despises people that have more money than the common man. For some bizarre reason inside their twisted minds, they have the god given right to financially punish these individuals. It should also be noted Horwath is a high roller with no limits. She is extremely generous with taxpayers' money and our debt will continue to increase at a fast-moving rate.

Kathleen (I'm honorable, honest and admirable) Wynne, Liberal Party:

- plans to hire 3,500 more registered nurses

- give $822 million to hospitals

- $575 million for free drug care to seniors

- 1.8 million people will pay $200 or more personal income tax

- cannabis duty will collect $115 million

- $800 million for drug and dental coverage

- $2.1 billion for mental health care

- 20,000 businesses will pay an average of $2,400 a year for employer health tax

- $2.2 billion for free childcare for some parents

- $680 million for home health care

- $1.8 billion for developmentally disabled

- $2.3 billion for welfare, 3% annual raises for 3 years

- $935 million for colleges and universities and more apprenticeships

In summary, Wynne is a big spender like her contender Horwath. She is desperate to accomplish re-election once again. In my opinion, she may be the best political con artist I have ever seen. If she is acclaimed the doom of this province will continue and our hole will be so deep it will be absolutely impossible to climb out of.

Before the last election in 2014, I held a certain belief and confidence in political polls. L.O.L., that was then. Now my conviction on those surveys is very simple...they mean diddly-squat. I think they're unreliable and definitely open to doubt. A typical and perfect example was the 2014 Ontario Provincial election. Conservative leader Tim Hudak was predicted to win by a landslide. The final results of the election completely astounded me...Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne had won with a majority government.


It will be ever so interesting to see which party will win the election on June 7/18 and moreover quite amusing to see if the Premier will keep his/her promises. Don't you find it puzzling and truly suspicious that these politicians never say the word guarantee or the phrase word of honor when they are babbling on about their treats and goodies? I will vote for Ford not because the Conservatives have the magic wand to fix things but I believe they are the lesser of the three evils. I strongly dislike Horwath and Wynne and distrust both women. I consider those two leftists females as extremely dangerous women and place them in the same category as someone who is drunk and driving on the highway at a blistering speed.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "Bombproof"

Coming Soon: Shock Collars for Population Control

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Writer's note: I apologize for not having "Pride and Joy" as scheduled. However it will be available in the very near future.


We depend on so many things. Do we insist or do we expect everything to function properly all of the time? Is it our demanding or assuming nature as human beings that our computer works when we turn it on, the toilet function properly when we flush it, our furnace operates appropriately when we switch it on or our vehicle immediately starts when we turn the key? Yes, we certainly anticipate more than a few things in our lives. As time passes by, I think a lot of us (myself included) take people for granted, not in a deceiving practice but in our subconscious...a harmless and unselfish manner. It's part of our human nature mindset.

People perform favours for other folks. Individuals help, assist and support one another. Their good deeds and acts of kindness are always appreciated. One group of human beings that transpires into that category are recognized as MOTHERS. They have alternative names such as MAMA, MA, MOMMY and MOM. They "wear" many hats and their job description is very extensive. They do a fantastic job trying to achieve all of their duties.

Let's talk about childbirth for a moment, just thinking about it plants my mind into a new dimension of pain. To help produce a child is very easy for a man, with the exception of the male seahorse...that fish gives birth. For the human male it's, two, three, wham bam, thank you ma'am. Meanwhile, when a woman becomes pregnant, she is constantly going through a period of physical and emotional adjustment.

In the meantime us guys continue our daily routine and habits. We have no idea what women are experiencing with the new and strange physiological and mental changes to their bodies. Childbirth consists of agony and discomfort. It's truly amazing how women deal with and tolerate that degree of suffering, but somehow they do it, many more than once.

According to Stats Canada there were 4.1 million Canadian MOTHERS in 2011 and 447,700 stay at home MOTHERS with at least one child in 2016. The nineteenth century saw MOTHERS conducting all household responsibilities including raising the children. It wasn't until the 1940's we saw a lot of women enter the workforce on a full time basis in various fields of employment.

My mother (R.I.P. and God rest her soul) was one of those ladies. She would work Monday to Friday at her nine to five office job. MOM started her career as a bookkeeper in 1960. When she finished her stretch at the office MOM would arrive home and begin her second stint of work. She would prepare supper and afterwards wash the dirty dishes. It never "dawned on me" or my father (R.I.P. and God rest your soul) that we should have got off our fat asses to assist her. On weekends she would continue to make breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as clean the house and do laundry.

I know my MOTHER wasn't the only MOM who executed multiple tasks. When I look at it now, I have to ask myself the question, when did these women receive a break from their unlimited and never ending chores? Another question arises...did we really appreciate our MOTHERS to the hilt, probably not.

Mothers have plenty of talents. They keep families shoulder to shoulder and manage family stress better. When a child comes home crying because they have fallen down and scraped their knee it's MOMMY who comforts and eases the pain of the wailing youngster. The majority of the time it was MOM who made their offspring's lunch for school. And it's MOMMY who is their when their child is sick showing compassion and reassurance, trying to soothe the ill little one.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The only gender who are best suited to perform the obligations of a MOTHER are females. Women are the best MOTHERS and men are the best fathers. The L.G.B.T.I.Q/Q (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer/Questioning) can LIKE IT OR LUMP IT!

Sadly, every so often MOMMY's pass away while their child/children are very young. Death is never welcomed and always unwanted at any time, but to lose either parent (since I'm talking about MOMS) specifically a MOTHER, it's absolutely heartbreaking. I was lucky but I do have friends that weren't as fortunate as I was, losing their MOM'S when they were attending school...tragic and devastating.

Women are second to none when we talk about taking care of, looking after, tending and raising children. They are foremost and the finest when we speak of nurturing. It's in their physical makeup-blood, genes and cells. As usual though, nothing is perfect and there is always one or two rotten apples in the bushel.

We have all heard the saying "the wicked stepmother." It's a stereotype phrase for stepmothers who are hateful, mean spirited, insensitive and at times physically hurtful. It probably still occurs but not as rampant as it use to be. Occasionally my MOTHER had mentioned to me her stepmother (circa 1925) was evil and unkind. My E.A. (Executive Assistant) has always been a magnificent and wonderful stepmother to my sons. She consistently shows love, respect and courtesy towards my two boys.

When I was in grade six at Mohawk Trail Public School in Hamilton, Ontario I recall our class had to memorize a poem titled, "Somebody's MOTHER) by Mary Dow Brine 1816-1913. The verse is quite sad and very true to life. Check it out, it might bring a tear to your eye.


So to all the MOMS out there, past, present and future enjoy Sunday May 13/18. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project Puritan will return with "Truth vs. Fiction"

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Unheard Voices


Protests are part of every day life and date back to the Biblical era. Usually they are public demonstrations expressing opposition and objection to specific government policy. There are various types of protests...rallies and demonstrations, sit-ins, marches, picketing, vigil, civil disobedience and strikes. One of the earliest demurs was the reign of Seth-Peribsen (Skhemib) in ancient Egypt prior to 2700 B.C.

Some gripes are peaceful while others can transform into sheer ugliness and violence. Usually when these events become aggressive it's the demonstrators that initiate the chaos. However, sometimes the police or military will retaliate in thorough bloodshed. Case in point, the date, June 4/89, the place, Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China. Chinese citizens were involved in a democracy movement against China's communist government. News reports stated the Chinese military killed hundreds of demonstrators.

I used to listen to late night talk radio show www.Coast To hosted by George Noory. One evening he was interviewing a guest who was a British reporter and present at Tiananmen Square the day of the murderous happening. His story was a "little" different from the original news accounts. He stated it was barbaric savagery by the Chinese military...tanks were purposely and literally driving over people. He also said there wasn't a few hundred that died...15,000 were killed.

It really sickens me when I see revolters change into raging lunatics. Two examples I recall are the 2010 G-20 Summit conference in Toronto, Ontario and just recently U.S. (United States) President Donald Trump's Inauguration on Jan. 20/17 in Washington, D.C. These morons destroy everything in their sight. They throw bottles and large objects, set vehicles on fire, smash businesses and individual who is rabid is more civilized than these assholes.

These fuck heads don't show any respect or consideration whatsoever for people's property. I could never understand why these motherfuckers ventilate their so called frustration and anger on innocent store and business owners, smashing their buildings...they should thank their lucky stars they don't live under a Chinese regime.

Of course I must include the pathetic morons called, "We are the Ungovernable." Around 10:00 p.m. on March 3/18 about thirty of these low-life fucking jerks decided to participate in a rampage and vandalism of stores on Locke Street in Hamilton, Ontario. These gutless fuckers (they were a masked mob dressed in black) caused over $100,000 damage to small businesses.

These yellow belly milksops didn't announce any ideology whatsoever, no purpose, no cause, no motive for their disgusting behaviour. The same old question always emerges and irritates me on a continuous basis. What did the store owners do to inspire these fuck heads to vandalize their stores? Unquestionably nothing. In fact they probably don't even know each other as well as never even met one another. But somehow these fuckers wanted to engage into senseless destruction of private property.

It's a shame we can't adopt a Singapore law. If an individual is caught vandalizing public or private property they receive three whacks across their back with a piece of river road performed by a martial artist. After the third blow the victim will fade into unconsciousness and end up in the hospital for a lengthy and painful visit. Five will get you ten if this was to happen to any members of, "We are the Ungovernable" they would quickly change their name to, "We are the Governable."

On the flip side there are peaceful demonstrations. When Ontario teachers take to the road to Queens Park (Ontario Legislative Assembly) in Toronto, to voice their displeasure to the government, they are loud but that's as far as it goes. In spite of that, the teachers' unions (who nevertheless are always disgruntled) and government always appear to be camouflaged as two peas in a pod...the two sides always end up kissing and making up.

The Million Man March is a traditional protest held every year since 1995 in Washington, D.C. by African-American men. The purpose is to place black issues (economical and social factors) back on the nation's political agenda. As far as I know, this march has been fairly tranquil.

The Quebec Student Protests on May 22/12 was Canada's largest protest in Canadian history where 250,000 students marched in Montreal disagreeing with increases to their tuition...there was no violence reported.

Three Canadian M.P.'s (Member of Parliament) a N.D.P. (New Democratic Party), a Conservative and a Liberal (sounds like the start of a joke) travelled to China in the 1990's. Their intention was to discuss, educate and persuade the Chinese government about human rights.

As if these Canadian clowns were going to influence the Chinese to observe and comply with human rights...a complete waste of Canadian tax payers' money and time and effort from the three bone heads. I recall telling the story to my long time and very good friend Uncle Block and his reply was very genuine and realistic, "what about human rights in Canada?"

Which brings me to my next point. Private organizations and individuals also "worry" about problems far and abroad. I was greatly mystified after reading Canadian women were journeying to Washington, D.C. to take part in a protest against President Donald Trump the day after his inauguration. They were angry about his inappropriate comments about women and women's rights in general.

The Hamilton Spectator, Jan. 22/17, reported there were a thousand men, women and children who attended a rally at Hamilton, Ontario City Hall, who also voiced their negative opinions about Trump. I ponder how vocal these anti-Trump people are with problems about women's rights in third world, communist and certain middle east countries.

I may be going out on a limb, but I wonder if these protesters can't see the forest because of the trees. In my opinion they wasted their time and effort on an issue and individual that has absolutely nothing to do with the Canadian political playhouse...Canadians, as sure as the Miami Marlins not winning the 2018 World Series, are not going to change or alter conditions in the U.S.

Women in modern civilized countries have gained a lot of sanctions throughout the years. Case in point, women won the right to vote...1919 in Canada and 1920 in the U.S. Without a doubt women should have the same rights and opportunities as men and be treated with respect and equality.

Getting back to the Canadian anti-Trump ladies, they should take a long and serious look in their own backyards. Canada has significant problems of neglect on women's rights...there has been decades long violence against Indigenous women. According to the R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) from 1980-2012 there were 1,181 cases of missing or murdered Indigenous women. However, as stated by some grass root organizations and the Ministry of the Status of Women the number is closer to 4,000.

Here are some disturbing statistics from the Canada's Women's Foundation.

(1) half of all women in Canada have experienced some sort of physical or sexual violence since they were 16 years old.

(2) 67% of all Canadians say they have personally known at least one woman who has experienced sexual or physical abuse.

(3) on any given night, 3,491 women and their 2,724 children sleep in a shelter because it isn't safe at home.

(4) on any given night about 300 women and children are turned away from shelters because they are full.

I think the obvious question is why don't these anti-Trump demonstrators exhaust all of their drive, energy and passion, lobbying the provincial and federal governments on issues that affect people in Canada and stop wasting their time on matters in a foreign country, that they know will have no impact whatsoever.

Certain people and organizations will always protest against just about anything. On the rare occasion protests may be convincing, but for their duration it is nothing more than exercise or a social gathering for the participants.

The Canadian Aboriginals have voiced their concerns numerous times to the government in the forms of protests and sit-ins, but how persuasive and successful have they been...they always claim the government isn't doing enough for them


For the most part, we as Canadians should protest more often, especially when our governments (municipal, provincial and federal) decide to create new or increase taxes or reduce our benefits i.e. our C.P.P. (Canada Pension Plan) that (by they way, Harper and Trudeau) we have paid into our entire working life. If there were vast and enormous amounts of tax payers "taking it to the streets", maybe, just maybe, the government would listen. However, (I'm the first to admit) most of us do diddly squat...we will either continually bitch or write about the cancerous administration that steals OUR money and controls our lives.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "Pride and Joy"

Saturday, March 17, 2018

The Door Has Finally Closed


I think most people believe the day we are born a hidden number is assigned to each one of us and sooner or later throughout our lives that digit will be called and we will cease to exist anymore. It's absolutely impossible to escape that dreadful situation, eventually it will occur, like Rod McGaha's smooth jazz song titled, "We Fall Down".

On Saturday Jan. 6/18 I received a phone call from my neighbour's youngest daughter telling me that her father had passed away. My E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I knew it was just a matter of time when his life would finally expire. Back in March of 2017 his wife saw her final sunset. The two had been married for sixty-eight years. After she perished my neighbour's health started to decline and a couple of months before he passed on he was bedridden.

Let me tell you about my neighbour. He was a ninety-five year old Japanese man who worked hard all of his life. My E.A.'s uncle (who occasionally worked with my neighbour) said his work ethic was superior. In my opinion he was a sincere and genuine human being...a true Christian. He would always lend a helping hand to his fellow man and woman. If the neighbours needed help with any home improvements, he would be at their doorstep with the appropriate tools. When he was mobile, copious amounts of time he would clear snow off many neighbours' driveways and sidewalks with his snow blower, obviously something he didn't have to do but wanted to perform that duty through the goodness of his heart.

About ten years ago I was home alone brushing my teeth in the bathroom. I leaned on the sink and suddenly the entire basin came off the wall and fell to the floor and of course water was pouring out of the hot and cold copper pipes from the was a clean break on both lines. I quickly picked the sink up and managed to position the couplings into the wall pipes, reducing the water flow immensely.

So there I was, standing and holding my washroom sink, thinking isn't this grand, how do I get downstairs to shut the main water valve off without dropping the sink and flooding the bathroom. It didn't take me long to realize there was no alternative so I released the sink and raced to the cellar turning the entire water system off in the house. But now I had another problem...I couldn't use any water.

Once again I phoned my reliable and faithful neighbour and told him about my dilemma. Within minutes he came to my rescue bringing over two steel caps and placed them on the wall pipes. Now, at least I could use the water again. He had a vast assortment of items and tools in his basement. With the exception of the washer and dryer his cellar was filled with, well, the only way I could describe it is, he had anything and was like a mini hardware store.

He was very mechanically inclined and always assisted the neighbours...without fail eager to please them. My E.A. and I had our fair share of his helpful personality, for example: loaning me his portable pump when I had a flat tire on my car, bringing over a cement mix and tools so I could fill in some cracks between the bricks to stop the wasps entering the house. He installed a kitchen counter top and sink for us. He also guided and directed my E.A. on placing a back splash on the kitchen wall. I must say she did a magnificent job but she also had an excellent teacher or shall I say Master. My E.A. had purchased a gas barbecue and our marvelous neighbour helped her assemble the unit. He also gave me major assistance on erecting a section of ceiling in our rec tell you the truth I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

I can't say enough about our departed neighbour. Numerous times we would see him carrying his tools or some sort of material to other neighbours' homes, it was quite evident he was performing some sort of work for them. The man was truly talented...he knew a lot of things about a lot of things.

I labelled myself as the messenger of death because I notified a lot of neighbours of his passing...I did the same when his wife died. It's not a nice undertaking but it had to be done. Every so often he would pay us a visit. He would sit down in our kitchen having a glass of wine and chit-chat. He had all the characteristics of being a superb neighbour. I can honestly say he will be remembered as a legend on my individual with high renown.


All of us in the neighbourhood will miss him. Not just his continuous helping hand but more significantly his witty humour, friendliness, unselfishness and considerate demeanour. I personally thought he was a fantastic neighbour, great friend and sometimes a father figure. I conduct all my writing in our living room with smooth jazz music playing on the television. On occasion I will hear a song and think the last time I heard that tune my neighbour was alive and well. I then look out the window and stare at his house and suddenly I become teary eyed. Hopefully he has joined his soul mate in a carefree world, full of happiness and forever life. Rest In Peace and God Bless your soul Mas Miyasaka...dam it, I miss you.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "Unheard Voices"

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Wrong Direction: About Face


Many men and women partake in different pastimes throughout their lives while other folks engage in activities when they retire. Relaxation, amusement, entertainment, rest, piece of mind or simply something to do are reasons for the change in routine. Some interests may include hobbies such as macramé, paper tole and model ship building. Sports such as golf, slo-pitch, co-ed baseball and bowling are popular leisure interests. Most of the time the cost is very reasonable to receive some fun and joy. It's also extremely wholesome to get involved in extra-curricular ventures...truly healthy for the mind, bod and soul.

It's tough enough trying to figure out politicians but I'm finding it more frequent I'm questioning what is the motivating force behind people's ideas and what are they really trying to accomplish, if anything at all. What inspired me to write this rant was an article I read in the Toronto Sun on Jan. 20/18 titled, "Canadians march for women's rights to protest Trump"...the title completely bewilders me. Thousands of women (and some men) from all over Canada marched in protest for women's rights, equality and empowerment. The hurdle I just can't seem to jump is what the hell has Trump got to do with the rights of Canadian women? Did he somehow move to Canada without any of us knowing about it?

Of course our teenage Canadian "ruler" put his "two cents" into the "marvellous" and "spectacular" protest. He offered assurances that equality and women's rights will remain priorities for his administration. He also stated "it's incredibly inspiring and motivating to see so many people come out and support women's rights." I wonder what Trudeau means when he says, inspiring and motivating? Perhaps he is thrilled that his Canuks are slamming Trump and not himself for his disgraceful and dishonourable goings-on. I still can't help to ask myself the question over and over, why Trump? He has nothing to do with Canada's political system.

I'm willing to bet five will get you ten Trump doesn't give a flying fuck about the Canadian protesters and in fact doesn't care about American protesters. Here's a thought, why don't these Canadian demonstrators protest women's rights in countries such as China, Iran, North Korea and that would be something to bitch about.

Meanwhile back at the ranch there's plenty of major issues and serious problems that reside in Trudeau's want to be fantasy land that the Canadian Trump haters could protest about. Here is a simple quiz that I created. It's a simple yes or no answer to each question, here we go.

  • Do we have poverty?
  • Do we have unemployment?
  • Do we have homelessness?
  • Do we need more women's shelters?
  • Is our judicial system a fucking joke?
  • Are a lot of Indigenous people under hardship?
  • Is our government dishonest and corrupt?
  • Is our health care system in critical trouble and grave danger?
  • Is there too much violence in our cities?
  • Will our children and their children be severely burdened with government debt?

I answered yes to every question, and would hope the Canadian Trump bashers would do the same. However, if politicians were to take this quiz they would reply to each question with a five or ten minute answer manipulating the question in their favour. I recommend the Canadian Trump protesters regroup and start a witch hunt on the disapproval of Canadian politicians, specifically Justin (please take my picture) Trudeau...I find it difficult to call him Prime Minister.

Some folks may ask what's my problem with Justin (I never worked a day in my life) Trudeau. Well for starters I think he lives in an enchanted fantasy fairy tale land where all inhabitants, including newcomers are beautiful, wonderful and magnificent people and develop into upstanding Canadian citizens and evil has been abolished. The sun constantly shines and the birds are always tweeting their soft melodies and everyone understands each other, sharing their thoughts, feelings and's one big happy family.

Trudeau has raised our taxes (no surprise there, Liberals love the word tax), "donated" our money to other countries, welcomes terrorists into the country and opens the borders so anyone and everyone can just walk in and say, "Hi, I'm here, cheque please." I honestly think "picture boy" would welcome Klingons and Romulins.

An article in the Toronto Sun on Jan. 11/18 stated 92% of all families in Canada will encounter a tax increase of over $2,200 beginning in 2019 according to the Fraser Institute...isn't that fucking lovely. The following makes my blood boil. The Toronto Sun (Dec. 31/17) wrote in an article "Trudeau calls on Canadians to work together in 2018 in such categories as openness, compassion, equality and inclusion." Can you believe the audacity of this guy. He's asking us to be upstanding and morally correct citizens, meanwhile, he was found guilty of ethics violations for his previous extravagant Christmas shameless. He is the supreme hypocrite.

What's really frightening about our pretender (who's never met a camera he didn't like) he is a direct bleeding heart whenever I.S.I.S. is mentioned. He strikes me as an outright soft-hearted idealist and it truly sickens me. He has said many times I.S.I.S. fighters can be a benefit to Canada. Do we have to remind "snapshot boy" that these I.S.I.S. fuckers have killed many people specifically Canadian soldiers. And by the way, these fuck-heads enjoy killing women, Hmm...I wonder if that falls under the heading of women's rights.

The left hemisphere of my brain finds it absolutely hilarious while the right hemisphere thinks it's completely disgusting and appalling when "our leader" states these shit-head I.S.I.S. fighters can be rehabilitated. An article in the Global News Nov. 30/17 had Trudeau say, "we have methods of de-emphasizing or de-programming people who try to harm our society." Golly gee Justin why haven't you tried your secret laboratory mind alterations on the psychopathic fuckers like Paul Bernardo or Robert Picton.

I know how our crafty Liberals will rehabilitate I.S.I.S. fighters.

House of Commons

Prime Ministers Office

Ottawa, Ontario

Justin - Hello Junaid. Welcome back to Canada.

Junaid - Glad to be back Prime Minister

Justin - You were gone for a long time fighting for I.S.I.S.

Junaid - I believe in Allah. I will sacrifice my life for him.

Justin - You are one of many jihadists returning to Canada.

Junaid - Canada is a great and magnificent country not like that evil hell Trump world. You welcome us back with open arms.

Justin - You will always be welcomed here Junaid.

Junaid - Thank you Prime Minister. May your star always shine.

Justin - I hate to bring this up but I'm getting a lot of pressure from the Canadian people about I.S.I.S. fighters returning to Canada.

Junaid - Believe me Prime Minister, we're harmless.

Justin - I know that. However would you be interested in a rehabilitation program?

Junaid - You don't have to worry about me Justin, I'm a true Canadian.

Justin - I just heard you say you would sacrifice your life for Allah.

Junaid - I was just kidding, now about this program.

Justin - Is six million dollars sufficient?

In an article in the Mountain News on Jan.18/18 Trudeau stated to an audience at McMaster University on Jan. 17/18 there are about sixty former I.S.I.S. fighters that have returned to Canada and our intelligence agencies are continuing to monitor their progress. "I assure you, we are very safe here." Dick Mac would say, "something fishy going on here." After reading an article in the Toronto sun Jan. 22/18 I'm getting the impression that Trudeau and counterpart Public Safety Minister, Ralph Goodale, are watching a completely different movie than the C.S.I.S. (Canadian Security Intelligence Agency) are viewing. There appears to be some disagreement but read the next paragraph and you be the judge.

The C.S.I.S. states the terrorism threat in Canada posed by jihadists is ever-changing, hard to pin down and requires continual monitoring. The C.S.I.S. has never before faced a terrorist threat of the scope, scale and complexity of Sunni Islamist-inspired terrorism. In summary an article in the Toronto Sun Jan. 24/18 said Canada's top spies say terror attacks in Canada are likely to continue and our country is on the I.S.I.S. hit list. But we must remember those comforting and uplifting words from our "big cheese", "I assure you, we are very safe here."

This is the guy who travels to China and discusses trade and human rights. I really wonder how interested and attentive the Chinese are when "photo boy" starts proclaiming human rights. He comes across as an advocate for evil and sinister individuals. A prime example of this was refusing to increase prison life sentence from 25 to 35 years. Using Paul Bernardo as an example our "crusader" said, we all know Bernardo will never be released from prison...hey Justin, don't hold your breath, you dam well know our judicial system is absolutely fucking ludicrous.

Here's an example on how he and his counterpart "Mommy Wynne" of Ontario steal from the poor and give to the rich. An article in the Toronto Sun on March 30/17 stated the Feds and Ontario Liberals "invested" (or shall I say gave away) $200 million dollars of our money into Ford's Canadian Operations. Ford earned a global pre-tax profit of more than U.S. $10 billion in 2015. More outrageous and shameful Liberal on goings.


I suggest to the Canadian citizens who are voicing their concerns against Trump take an look in your own back yard. Arrange and execute a plan and protest the mismanagement of this country and stop wasting your time bitching about Trump and the United States. I just wonder how many females, particularly government employees, have experienced some sort of sexual harassment in their work place. Some incidents are starting to be made public. It wouldn't surprise me if the amount of occurrences are very staggering.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "The Door Has Finally Closed"

Truseau's Next stop: Sicily.

Uberized cab driver tries second job.

A Word To The Google Feminists.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Fade In Fade Out


In the course of our lives we've seen numerous fads come and go. The definition of a fad is an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short lived. A trend is a general direction in which something is developing or changing and has a much longer life span. Trends are also called a movement and fads are also referred to as crazes.

Fads can be categorized into different groups, one in particular is fashion. Tie-dye shirts, butterfly collars, suspenders, bell bottoms, denim, polyester, checkered print pants, guys wearing sweaters around their necks, fanny packs, nylon track suits, penny loafers, London Fog windbreaker jackets and unisex clothing were all part of the industry of yesteryear.

Remember when watching movies at drive-in theatres was in demand and well liked, or about folks experimenting with the South Beach and/or Atkins diets? Novelties like the hula-hoop, yo-yo, Rubiks Cube, superball and the Troll dolls were ingenious marketing schemes. Flag pole sitting was a craze in the early to mid 1920's, and telephone booth stuffing was popular in the 1950's.

Water beds certainly had their heyday. Their popularity sky rocketed in the late 1970's and into the 1980's but quickly dwindled by the 1990's. In 1989 an article in the L.A. Times said water beds were a $2 billion a year industry...that kind of money back in those days, WOW!

And of course we can't forget about hairstyles like the afro, shag, ducktail, pixie, the Roaring Twenties look, mullet, perm and males exhibiting longer hair than women are now appearances of the past.

One fad that has flooded the market in recent years is the sleeve and body tattoo. First though, let's talk about the regular or customary tattoo. What I mean by that is one or two tattoos on an individual's body, not one-half, three-quarters or their entire figure plastered with ink.

An article in Tattoo Artist Magazine stated the annual revenue for the tattoo industry in the U.S. (United States) is $2.3 billion a year. Some historians claim Otzi the Iceman (dating between 3370-3100 B.C.) had the earliest tattoo. The following statistics from show the age demographics of tattoo: Millennials 18-35-47%, Generation X 36-50-36%, Baby Boomers 51-69-13% and older 70 plus-10%. Fifteen per cent of Millennials have five or more tattoos and almost one-third of all people ages 16-25 have a tattoo.

The first documented professional tattoo artist was in the U.S. in 1846. He was a German immigrant named Martin Hildebrandt. He tattooed many soldiers who fought on both sides of the American Civil War.

Throughout decades past, tattoos have always been popular with armed service personnel, especially the navy. A lot of criminals have tattoos to signify and enhance their psychopathic that comes to mind is Charles Manson and his swastika tattoo on his forehead.

A tattoo artist can charge $150-$250 an hour and have a minimum fee of $100. However sleeve tattoos can cost $1,500. A sleeve tattoo is a large tattoo or collections of tattoos that "supposedly" have a unified theme that covers most or all of an earthling's arm, shoulder to wrist. A body tattoo is a tattoo that covers a person's front and/or back of their body. How can people afford this ridiculous rage? I think it's money foolishly spent, but those same folks may say I waste money on beer.

Ms. Maud Stevens Wagner was one of the original women to have sleeve and chest tattoos. She was a circus performer and in 1904 met Gus Wagner who was a tattoo artist. Later on they married. Her husband would teach her the art of tattooing and she started her own tattoo business. Her daughter received her first tattoo when she was nine years old.

For some odd reason, sleeve and body tattoos are extremely popular in professional sports, specifically soccer and basketball. One reason could be the players can "show them off" to the spectators. Professional athletes such as A.J. Burnett-baseball, Jeremy Shockey-football, Brent Burns-hockey, David Beckman-soccer and Chris Anderson, Dennis Rodman (retired) and Lebron James-basketball have spent mega bucks on "painting" their bodies, mind you, they can afford their senseless mania blanketing their bodies with strange matter.

It's always amazed me why someone would want to grossly plaster their limbs and/or body with tattoos. It looks like a large hideous birthmark. According to, some of the reasoning is people love the art, to be trendy and stylish, express creativity and produce self-expression and individuality. I can think of other ways to convey my imagination and display my identity and making myself heard. It sounds to me these folks have a low case of self-esteem and want to attract attention. Also a very expensive way to be with the "in crowd".

People can express their creativity and reveal their fondness rather than "decorating" their bodies with designs. Writing, drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, sculpturing and music are methods of publicizing a person's creativity and self-expression. Maybe a hidden talent will be launched. Crafts such as knitting, quilting, pottery, glass, embroidery and woodworking are also excellent endeavors of showing identity and making oneself heard. Again an unknown skill could be discovered.

Over the years the purity of tattoo parlors and equipment has developed into a safer hygienic environment, but there are still medical uncertainties and risks if folks choose to be inked. The Mayo Clinic states people receiving tattoos may acquire the following repercussions:

  • allergic reactions
  • skin infections
  • blood borne diseases (contamination of blood), hepatitis B and C,
  • M.R.I. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) complications
  • scar tissue and
  • possible H.I.V. (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

The tattoo removal business has escalated 440% in the past ten years in the U.S. to over $1 billion. According to 25% of all tattoo recipients say they regret obtaining a tattoo, women make up 73% of all tattoo removals and there were 45,000 medical procedures in 2013 for tattoo removals.

In an interview with N.B.C. News, Shelly Novello, founder and C.E.O. (Chief Executive Officer) of Ink-B-Gone Precision and Tattoo Removal said an average client will spend $800-1200 to have a tattoo removed. She also stated a typical tattoo takes one and one-half years to remove...some come out at on time but most take five or six must take years to remove a sleeve or body tattoo. Ms. Novello's Denver office sees 200 people a month.


Most things don't last forever. Notice I said most things. Unfortunately taxes and deceitful politicians will never disappear, they will be around till the end of time. Fads, trends and styles leave us but not necessarily forever. Aviator sun glasses, record players, vinyl albums, Chia Pets, women's jelly sandals and 3D movies made or are making a reappearance. Some items and activities are just premature departures . We can always say farewell for now but maybe we will see you again. As far as sleeve and body tattoos, we'll see if the next generation has more sense of respecting their bodies instead of defacing and uglifying them and of course misusing and wasting their money.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project

Puritan will return with "The Wrong Direction: About Face"


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...