Saturday, December 16, 2017

Peppermint Stick Time

Ahoy folks, Puritan here. You might be wondering if my E.A. (Executive Assistant) and I are docking my boat in front of our beach front home at our south sea paradise retreat listening to the smooth jazz song titled, "Tropical Island" by Gail Jhonson (this is the correct spelling of her last name). Dreams will be nothing more than dreams but it's always enjoyable to fantasize.

Another year is getting ready to be placed in the archives...2017 will soon become history. I don't recall any encouraging or uplifting events that occurred in the year of the rooster. As usual our governments were involved with their shady and underhanded trickery...the new carbon tax is a prime example. And of course they continue their deceitfulness with their bogus personalities. Some things never change, wait a minute, I'll take that back...I'm wrong, they do appears to me, things are getting worse, so they do change.

This is the time of year we try to turn a deaf ear and blind eye and attempt to forget about all the misery, turmoil and despair throughout the world and the actions of our shameful politicians at all three levels of government who do what they do best, increase and create new taxes...they thrive on it.

Anyway, jolly old Santa Claus will be making his rounds soon. I realize Christmas isn't everyone's favourite time of the year because of former personal hardships but for a lot of us we can hopefully, celebrate and enjoy the season.

Even though it's an active and bustling time of the year it's always pleasurable and satisfying listening to Christmas Carols and observing decorations and paraphernalia in the malls and stores. Erecting the Christmas tree and garnishing your home with decorative Christmas trimmings is a fun and cheerful occasion. But most importantly, getting together with family and friends is the foremost and forgetting about the world's doom and gloom and savour the Christmassy season.

Sadly there will be Grinches (the government certainly doesn't try to alleviate that problem...if anything, they enhance it) who are extremely keen and motivated on destroying the holiday season. I strongly believe it's truly repulsive, disgusting and putrid these dick-heads were given the privilege and opportunity to live in this country but have the tenacious desire to annihilate our customs and traditions...especially Christmas. If you ever cross paths with one of these shitheads and they challenge the phrase Merry Christmas tell them to go FUCK YOURSELF!!


I was going to title this rant, "Candy Cane Time" but I reconsidered the name. Why you ask? I thought our political correctness busybodies or shall I say freedom of speech dictators may find it offensive, i.e. Kandi Kane. Anyway, I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return in 2018 with "Entanglement"





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