Saturday, August 26, 2017

I Love You


The Oxford Canadian Dictionary defines the word love as an intense feeling of deep affection or fondness for a person or thing. I believe the 1986 song by Anita Baker titled "Sweet Love" is very fitting.

All of us have travelled the road of endearment at least once in our lives and cherished someone. There is no set interval for can occur at any time, day, night, winter or summer. The feeling may strike immediately or the duration may take a period to develop. A lot of individuals experience an ecstatic and blissful state of mind...they are literally on "cloud nine." When a couple are in love it can be the utmost beautiful and magnificent emotion they have ever encountered. When Cupid fires his arrow people can be truly head over heels on each other.

When I retired I had a part time job delivering prescription drugs to customers. Back in the early 1980's I worked with a fellow somewhat older than me who had the same last name that was on the receipt of one of my "scripts". When I delivered the medication a lady came to the door and I asked her if she was any relation to my ex co-worker. She replied, "yes, that was my husband...he died of leukemia a couple of years ago...I miss him so much." My client was a weekly delivery and every time she greeted me at the door, her cute little dog would accompany her. She explained to me her pet couldn't understand where her hubby had disappeared to and every time her door bell rang her dog would think it was her spouse. Anyway, she would always reminisce about her deceased partner and consistently say to me "I miss him so much." The smooth jazz song by Kim Waters titled "Forever Yours" is very fitting for the lady...the power of love still in full bloom never expiring.

Love hides in a lot of familiar surroundings such as high school, post secondary institutions, the work place, bars, extra curricular activities like recreation leagues and hobbies and social functions. A lot of people believe love will keep them hand in hand for an eternity as the 1965 song by Sonny and Cher titled "I Got You Babe" and the 1975 song by The Captain and Tennille titled "Love Will Keep Us Together." It's a delightful belief that love will last forever but from time to time, for some people, sadly, their ship will sink. Whenever the love bug has departed, there is a very strong possibility that the adoration and passion is gone, gone for good, gone forever, never to return as the 1979 song by Earth, Wind and Fire titled "After The Love Is Gone" specifies.

When the expression, "I don't love you anymore" or "I want a divorce" is announced it's like an emotional bomb that explodes and can rip a person's heart into millions of can be extremely crushing and devastating and very difficult to accept.

Remember our parents era, a high majority of their generation stayed together for decades unless there was a death in the relationship. My parents (R.I.P. and God rest your souls) were married for thirty-five years until my father's death. My E.A.'s (Executive Assistant) parents have been in holy matrimony for sixty-seven years. Our neighbours (across the street) were in their union for sixty-eight years until the wife's passing. A few of my friends are working on their late twenty or thirty year membership, but I must mention, only a few.

The term divorce is could call it a world epidemic. The following is from "The Richest", May 1/14 with the top ten countries with the highest divorce rate: United States-53%, France-55%, Cuba-56%, Estonia-58%, Luxembourg-60%, Spain-61%, Czech Republic-66%, Hungary-67%, Portugal-68% and Belgium-71%...Canada is somewhere between 40 and 50%.

My E.A. is divorced. She has five siblings. Out of the six children five are divorced. A plentiful number of my friends, co-workers and acquaintances have been subject to the dissolution. I had a marital breakdown and wouldn't wish it on anyone. It can be heart rendering and possess overwhelming sorrow and could be called a living death.

Back in 1989 a co-worker invited myself and other staff members to his wedding. The reception was fun and enjoyable. Then, four days later (yes four days later) we found out he was filing for divorce...the honeymoon wasn't even finished. Needless to say all of us were had to be one of the shortest marriages in history.

Hollywood is certainly no stranger to divorce over the past century. A lot of big name actors of the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's were involved in estrangement, some of them multiple times. The environment they exist in, is, shall I say a completely and different universe...we haven't the slightest indication how that world turns.

Sadly enough divorce can be exceedingly cruel, hurtful and upsetting. Both parties can be spiteful and can very easily turn into a continuous battle. When couples with children split it can generate additional pain with distressing circumstances. A few years ago I recall reading that some so called relationship experts suggested for parents to remain married for the children's benefit and well being. I'm no marriage counsellor but I definitely don't concur on that theory. Children are not stupid. They can very easily pick up on things, particularly if the family routines are different and not functioning smoothly.

Life is extremely precious, our number can be summoned at any time. If the lifestyle isn't cheerful between parents on the home front, surviving can be exceedingly miserable and dismal, plain and simple people want to be happy in their's human nature.

We've all heard the phrase high school sweethearts. Young lovers "tie the knot" fresh out of high school and all of a sudden their bubble bursts. The time frame may vary from a few to numerous years. My E.A. and a handful of my friends are in that grouping. The 1977 song by Billy Joel titled "Scenes From An Italian Restaurant" when he sings about "Brenda and Eddie" is a good example.

The phrase "Till Death Do Us Part" maybe will be changed to "Till Separation Do Us Part."

Jack and Jill sitting in a tree,
First comes love, then comes marriage,
Oh look who's holding the divorce papers.

Every so often Hollywood will produce comedies about divorce...however divorce is absolutely and by any means no laughing matter. It is tragic for the parties involved, the children and relatives. At one time you are planning to live the rest of you life with the one you love with all your heart and then BANG it's splitsville. At times I think divorce might be some type of disease.


I think all of us need love in our lives. People will always surrender to love and they gratify themselves in marriage or live with each other...this is a slice of human composition. Nothing in life is guaranteed...Oops, taxes (especially from Liberals) and death are carved in stone. I think we can include love and divorce as reality.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "The Infamous Vanishing Act"

Monday, August 14, 2017

Monkey Business


Government isn't difficult to recognize. They develop hare-brained and foolish ideas and their decisions, actions and final results, most of the time are absolutely preposterous and costly to you and I. It's truly unacceptable and offensive how they waste our tax money (at all three levels) and increase and/or create new "charges", conning and deceiving us. When we talk about public safety, government should be 100% legitimate, valid and genuine and utilize sound judgment and basic common sense...they say they do, but it is quite obvious they don't.

I read an article in the Toronto Sun on July 8/17 about the payout terrorist Omar Khadr received ($10.5 million) from the federal government. Our teenage P.M. (Prime Minister) and his Liberal gang are an outright disgrace to Canada and humanity as a whole. Our heedless leader (who never worked a day in his life) is rewarding terrorists for their violent and barbaric behaviour.

It's his congenial way of showing hospitality towards religious fanatics who want to destroy our customs and traditions. Did I mention they're also devoted murderers and take absolute pleasure in killing innocent people. Our P.M. youngster (anyone want to take my picture) appears to have a real weakness and affection for these fuckers. Remember he reinstated convicted terrorist Zakaria Amara's Canadian citizenship in the spring of 2017. One of his 2015 election campaign promises was terrorists should keep their Canadian citizenship. To reinforce his statement an article in on Oct. 28/15 stated the lefty said terrorists should keep their Canadian citizenship even if they attack Canada. Can you believe this ludicrously and shameful attitude? But does it surprise me, not really because this is the ruler who said in 2013 he admires China's dictatorship and was very remorseful when President Fidel Castro I sensing Trudeau would love to regulate Canada under a dictatorship?

Before you Trudeau lovers start screaming at me, I am fully aware the Conservative government under P.M. Stephan Harper participated in a previous payout in 2007 to a Syrian-Canadian terrorist named Maher Arar...he was suing for $37 million and settled for $10.5 million.

Again, our so called Charter of Rights and Freedoms and legal system operates in many mysterious ways. The Toronto Sun also stated in a column by Candice Malcolm the Supreme Court decision about Khadr said it was up to the government to decide how best to respond to the the bleeding heart Liberals show warmth and love towards homicidal insurgents. It's extremely sad but increasingly sickening that Canadian soldiers who died and were injured in Afghanistan never came close to receiving a compensation package these fucking terrorists acquired.

Khadr sued the Canadian government for $20 million for violating his civil rights...unfavorably he was born in Toronto, Ontario so he is a Canadian citizen. My belief is elementary...a terrorist has no rights, everything is stripped, even their citizenship. You would think our "caring" Liberal boys and girls in Ottawa could legislate some sort of terrorist bill that would override these brutal fanatics rights. Yeah right, try telling that to Trudeau...he lives in a continuing fantasy world.

The rest of the world must really wonder about our justice system, especially when we deal with's very evident, it's a fucking joke. The payouts of Maher Arar in 2007, Omar Khadr in 2017 and reinstating convicted terrorist Zakaria Amara's Canadian citizenship in 2017 is downright disgraceful and disgusting. But the gang at the House of Commons thinks sickens me they're such forgiving advocates. They display shameful behaviour by rewarding these demons for their vicious behaviour. The entire terrorist regime must have a lengthy laugh at Canada. They probably admire this nation because they can always proceed with their violent beliefs...if caught they might be compensated, Canada cares for everyone.

Sadly though, not everyone. I read an article in the Toronto Sun on July 14/17 titled, "Canadian war vets fight for disability benefits while Omar Khadr counts his millions." The New Veteran Charter (N.V.C.) came into effect in 2006. It ended a practice of disabled soldiers receiving life long pensions which was replaced with a single settlement plan that resulted in many veterans receiving a fraction of what others received in the past. One of Trudeau's campaign promises was to change the N.V.C. for the betterment of disabled veterans but as usual he's done diddly-squat...doesn't surprise me. The Equitas Society (a watchdog group fighting for disabled veterans) says the government is haggling over compensation for disabled veterans.

The government says they have no social contract with veterans...make up and change the rules whenever it's suitable for the controllers. A social contract is an agreement between the people of the state and the government of the state. The first social contracts were written by philosophers John Locke (1632-1704) and Jean Jacques Rosseau (1712-1778). They saw good government coming from social contracts. I think it's quite apparent they only time government enjoys any social contract is when they benefit.

Some people may ask, do Canadian veterans deserve any compensation? There was no conscription (like the Vietnam War), our soldiers was their choice. True enough, BUT, first of all they placed their lives on the line trying to fight terrorism and keep us safe. Secondly they're employed by the federal government. Let's use a firefighter for an example. They volunteered for the job, no one forced them into that type of employment but if they are injured (doesn't matter the extent) he or she will be fully compensated. Again, dirty little tricks by the government.

As frightening and sadly it is, it's sage to say terrorism is alive and well in this country. Let's take a look at Rehab Dughmosh. This psychotic radical was charged by the R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) with 21 terrorist related offenses while uttering death threats to customers at a Canadian Tire store in Scarborough (a borough of Toronto, Ontario) on June 3/16...she was equipped with a golf club, knife and bow. She has pledged allegiance to I.S.I.S. more than once and constantly says, "I don't believe in your laws."

She also stated in her latest court appearance "I meant to harm those people", regarding the Canadian Tire incident. On April 24/16 she left Canada for Syria to fight for I.S.I.S. but was detained in Turkey and was returned to Trudeau land...she was also charged with that journey. This deranged woman is extremely dangerous to society. The R.C.M.P. were investigating this lunatic and provided the citizenry with a "comforting" statement, "she is no outstanding risk to public safety"...are they sure they have the correct individual...what does it take to be classified as dangerous? It should be interesting to see what type of sentence she receives, or maybe she'll be awarded with some form of compensation.

The Trudeau crowd are terrorist sympathizers. They show compassion, tender-heartedness and kindness to these bloodthirsty extremists who CRAVE to destroy Canada. Sometimes I wonder if Justin actually jumped down the rabbit hole so he and Alice could take selfies together and he was hypnotized with the fantasy land and never came out of the trance.


It won't surprise me if this inappropriateness with terrorism continues. Trudeau and Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale should resign immediately and never again enter the political theatre. I will put this quite simple, very clear and extremely straightforward, I'm absolutely ashamed to be a Canadian.

The End

The Harvenut Puritan Project
Puritan will return with "I Love You"

Read about Uncle Block's Road Trip.


It's About Time " Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth...Democrats are the lowest form of politicians. " -- Ge...